
Saturday, August 16, 2014

A journey is an adventure

A journey is an adventure
Paris center Play / Elementary School 48 rue Hippolyte Maindron (75014)
Keywords (all keywords)
Children EC1: Adrian, Aurelian, Juliet, Ivanna, Elyas, Saybo, Estelle, Jordan, Margaux, Maxime, Audrey, Virginia, Laura, Camille, Peter Owen, Alexander Dorsaf, Abiramy, Leo, Patricia, Quentin, Diane Hugo, Celia.

- What is a journey?
- What can you take with you?
- What can you bring back from a trip?

What is a journey?
How can we travel (...)
What can you take with (...)
What can you bring a (...)
  What is a journey?

A journey is an adventure.

To travel is to discover.

This is from a country to another country.

It's going to another city.

Travel is from.

Travel is from Portugal.

Travel is from the sea.

To travel is to a vacation.

It is when one has free time, we paid holidays.

It's moving around the world.

A trip is somewhere where you can go, Italy, France, Spain ... in a town outside of Paris.

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It is moving on track and watch the animals. The trip is fun, you can go to the end of the world.

It's moving, it's fun, it's rolling, it's walking, is to discover new animals is to discover new people is to join the people we loves.

When traveling, you can see the water and clouds. You can go to Chile by flying. To travel is to discover the world and see the sky. You can also go to the zoo and watch the tigers. One can discover South Africa.

A trip is a place where you are going and where we rest. One can even go swimming and, with his parents, we can go see the animals.

It's moving around the world. This move is walking. One can visit Paris, this is something that makes us happy.
A trip it can be very hard.

A trip that can be: from school to home, from Tunisia to Corsica, France to Belgium. From home to school, it's a short trip.

For TV, we travel in our heads.

When we watch TV, we dream we travel, when we also sleeps.
Imaginary trips, trips to Spain, travel to America ...

It is walking in a forest on an island or on a beach.

I do a big trip when the teacher asks us questions, we tell stories.

To travel is to learn a new language.

  How can you travel?

While visiting a zoo, an aquarium, a building, a castle. It can move in the class.

With planes, helicopters, ships, submarines, by train, by car.

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By opening a book.

By "imagination".

Motorbike, scooter flying, flying saucer, spaceship, a dragon of China, flying carpets.

In volcano, horse, dinosaur.

On a flying motorcycle, bus. Dreaming unicorn and deer.

You can travel in a flying saucer or the back of a dog.

With wings, a rocket.

You can travel in dreams.

Friday, August 15, 2014

best trevelll

Santé, forme, beauté, épanouissement personnel, longévité… Le vacancier des temps modernes, quand il boucle ses valises, ne se pose pas trente-six questions : il veut être " bien ". Dans son corps et dans sa tête ! " Conséquence d’une société formidablement stressée, on repère un besoin vital de parenthèses sociales, de récréation, de détente, de fuite loin du monde de la compétition pour récupérer sans pression, souligne le sociologue Bernard Cathelat1. Désormais, on s’échappe à la première occasion vers un ailleurs dont les règles sont différentes. Le succès d’Internet, des jeux vidéos, du virtuel est à rapprocher de l’engouement pour les voyages lointains et l’exotime. "
Différent ? Un univers isolé de la pollution et du bruit, au soleil de préférence, sentant plus la chlorophylle que les gaz d’échappement, invitant à une table saine sans pour autant être " bio ", à des fêtes populaires sans pour autant donner dans le gigantisme, compte parmi les ingrédients de base pour des vacances réussies. Une bonne dose de convivialité en plus, le tout assaisonné d’une valeur montante : la lenteur. En fait, renouant avec les premières heures de son histoire, le tourisme du nouveau millénaire n’a pas vraiment d’autre choix que de répondre à une très forte demande thérapeutique. " Le voyage, ça fait avancer ", dit Nouvelles Frontières. " Etre Re ", dit le Club Med. Des vertes campagnes du Limousin aux plages blanches des Maldives, en passant par les sommets des Andes, la tendance est à la " touristhérapie " – qui pourrait compter parmi les prochains néologismes du vocabulaire touristique. Mais, au-delà de ce but non dit et souvent non avoué, masqué par quantité d’alibis culturels et sportifs, le vacancier obéit à d’autres motivations inconscientes. Celles que recèlent ses imaginaires.

Guidés par nos imaginaires

La littérature, l’histoire, la musique, la culture, etc., sont les pierres angulaires de ces représentations mentales intimes, différentes pour chacun, que le sociologue Rachid Amirou nomme " les imaginaires de voyages ". Relativement flous, " ces imaginaires sont une évocation plus qu’une connaissance. Ce sont des images, des symboles et des figures. " Ainsi, certains auront en tête des images de New York correspondant aux romans de Henry Miller, tandis que d’autres se façonneront une image de la capitale américaine à partir des films de Woody Allen. Le Mexique sera synonyme d’un exotisme criard, de plages et de cocotiers, ou bien le pays du Popocatépetl et du serpent à plumes. Tout dépendra de la culture du voyageur et de sa perméabilité au matraquage publicitaire, toujours plus habile à imposer des clichés racoleurs n’ayant qu’un lointain rapport avec la réalité.
Si les imaginaires contribuent à déclencher le désir de partir et initient le choix d’une destination, ce sont eux aussi qui servent de guide au voyageur et lui dictent ses comportements durant son évasion. Ainsi, quelques-uns danseront-ils coûte que coûte à Rio, d’autres suivront les pas de Pessoa à Lisbonne, d’autres encore, qui sait, voudront revivre la révolution à Cuba !Véritables invitations au voyage, ces images mentales présentent cependant un danger : " Quand le voyage vécu ne correspond pas à ce que l’on en attendait, il est raté ", explique Jean-Didier Urbain dans son excellent ouvrage, “Secrets de voyages” (voir marge). Pour ce sociologue partisan de la théorie des imaginaires, le rituel de l’évasion n’a pas fini de nous surprendre. Il renferme en particulier plusieurs types de " secrets ". Ceux liés au contenu du voyage et, dernière découverte, ceux liés à la dissimulation du départ en voyage.

Partir en clandestinité

Le voyage s’inscrit de plus en plus dans une logique de désinsertion, note Jean-Didier Urbain. On part sur la pointe des pieds… Le nouveau credo des vacances bien faites devient le furtif. " Tendance majeure du voyageur contemporain : disparaître dans la clandestinité. On s’éloigne de plus en plus de ces comportements ostentatoires qui structuraient jusqu’à présent le moment du départ.
Plus intéressant encore, la remarque selon laquelle c’est dans cette clandestinité que s’exprime l’une des autres demandes inconscientes du touriste, celle qui consiste à se travestir, à devenir un autre et à se livrer à ce que l’on nomme des "rites d’inversion". " Le manuel se met à lire, l’intellectuel se prend à bricoler, le pauvre joue au riche et le riche au pauvre, poursuit Jean-Didier Urbain. On est en plein jeu de brouillage des appartenances sociales. " On est en pleine transgression. On est au cœur des comportements vacanciers fin de siècle.
The greatest pleasure of travel is perhaps the surprise return. I see that it gives value to people and to the most insipid things.

Walks in Rome, Volume 1 By Stendhal
[Stendhal] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

There's only one way to learn: It's through action. Everything you needed to know, it's the journey that you have been taught.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
[Paulo Coelho] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

It is not given to everyone to take a bath of multitude: enjoy the crowd is an art; and only he can do, at the expense of mankind, a debauch of vitality, a fairy who instilled in her crib taste for disguise and mask, hatred of home and love of travel.

The Spleen de Paris - Adopted in 1864 under the title Small prose poems - Crowds
[Baudelaire] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

The art book is not the encounter with the work. It is only the preparation for the journey, preparing for this unique moment that awaits you, the acquisition of knowledge that will help you better prepare yourself and open yourself to the avalanche of emotions awaits.

Art History
[Didier Hallépée] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

A collection of quotes above all an incentive to travel, a trip to suit the imagination, a look of wisdom on a theme.

General culture by citations
[Didier Hallépée] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

It is a privilege of the traveler to leave a lot of memories and live in the heart of a stranger sometimes longer than the memory of his own friends.

Maxims and thoughts in "Miscellaneous tests, letters and thoughts of Sarah Newton, Countess Destutt Tracy
[Sarah Newton] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

Coma: wandering traveling balanced on the edge of life.

[Gueret Jacky] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

You will enter an adventure. Well, listen to the one who comes back! You'll face the unknown, listen one that tells you: the unknown, I know. You will embark on a ship sailing shivers in the wind and will soon go on a journey of great promise, listen velui telling you: stop, I had that sinking one!

Hugo - Acts and words
[Victor Hugo] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

Faith comes by intuition, and faith is the anchor of human reason. The reason fleet, vogue, sails, explore, discover, go, and this is the sublime journey. It maps the idea, it illuminates the entire periphery of this perennial problem is our thinking the sea; but it is only with the anchor, with faith, with the intuition that it can find the bottom and be attached thereto. Never resting, never wetting ever port of the vessel, if it has that anchor.

[Victor Hugo] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

The poet knows down in life; but believe that if he agrees, it is not in vain and he will learn from his journey. Ugliness and stupidity it will introduce a new kind of enchantment.

Baudelaire - The Romantic Art
[Charles Baudelaire] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

We have not yet made the final step of our journey, we have only the first of a long and difficult road. For to be free is not merely to get rid of his chains; is to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. The real test of our commitment to freedom has just begun.

Long Walk to Freedom
[Nelson Mandela] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

But I know that this is not the case. The truth is that we are not yet free; we have only achieved the freedom to be free, the right not to be oppressed. We have not yet made the final step of our journey, we have only the first of a long and difficult road.

Long Walk to Freedom
[Nelson Mandela] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

Today I read my travel notes. Who publish?.

Gide: Journal, Volume 1: 1887-1925 by André Gide
[Gide] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

The purpose of the trip is not to set foot on a foreign land. It is finally set foot in his own country as if it were a foreign land.

Tremendous Gilbert Keith Chesterton Triffles
[Gilbert Keith Chesterton] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

Few men like long travel, this perpetual break all the habits, the shock ever given to all prejudices. But I worked to have no prejudice and little habits. I enjoyed the delicious depth of beds, but also touch and smell the bare earth, inequality of each segment of the circumference of the world.

Memoirs of Hadrian by Marguerite Yourcenar
[Marguerite Yourcenar] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

We can now know almost everything about someone on social media: know the names of his friends, his tastes, his activities, his style, his travels, what time he gets up and how he dresses. But ultimately we know nothing, and that's when we witnessed the tears that finally understands.

Five praise proof Sylvie Germain
[Sylvie Germain] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

Even if you had reasons, I mean practical reasons not to take me as a traveling companion, companion, guide, burden, tyrant and whatever else I might still become, it seems to me that as a corresponding - and that's only what it is for now - there should be no prima facie clincher against me.

Letter to Felice Bauer

Read more at voyage.php#g3BhE0vw4keO81re.99

bad travel

When undertaking a trip abroad, the issue of low or high travel season comes up regularly on the mat. A stay of even a few weeks in a foreign country is not trivial and raises a lot of expectations. And it's true that the season and weather are important parameters to be considered. However, this observation is also true for our country. Traveling in low season in France offers its advantages but also disadvantages. Little review of the problems encountered during our trip on the Atlantic side end of September.

The increased risk of bad weather

It is not going to lie: a nice weather is still a major asset to enjoy a trip and more vacation. I'm not talking a few moments of rain, as one can have in Southeast Asia. No, I speak of a constant bad weather that makes you want to watch the series in a good duvet.

As I said earlier, we left in our old VW combi for a couple of days, "bivouac / camping" mode. It works well and it's great when the weather is nice. And we've had rain.

Three days of almost constant rain, interspersed with very cloudy, put the strained nerves. Despite all our gear (including shower, portable shower ...), we have struggled. I'll spare you the details, but I assure you wash a vehicle (even a combi) when it rains, everything gets wet, it's too cold to remove not even a sweater, it's not there has more cool.

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of tours?

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of tours?

The formula of the tour package offers several advantages. First, all the logistics of the trip is supported: this allows you to save time before and during the trip. In addition, you have someone to contact in case of problems or the travel agent or representative at your place of stay. Also, the charges for individual services (transportation, lodging, tours and excursions) are traded and therefore less expensive than if you had to make reservations individually. However, the tour also has drawbacks. Group travel is to risk meet people with whom you share little or no affinity and agree to submit to the schedules included in the program.

nice summer

Undoubtedly, the journey to help the development of every individual. The traveler will have a different approach to the world, enjoys meeting new people who will bring an open mind to return. Voyager gives a feeling of freedom. Many draw new strength traveling, they relax. Discoveries are numerous whether the discovery of oneself or the discovery of the other. Voyager allows the exchange. The universe changes matter enormously to the blooming of individuals.

Voyager could pose risks such as theft, loss papers, baggage and danger itself. So, a traveler should be prepared to face these unforeseen importantly it is far from home. There has people who love solitary journeys and others enjoy group travel. Some like others have advantages and disadvantages. Traveling alone varies with the type and duréée proposed travel. Cultures encountered, and the chosen destination préciment play a big role. The experiences of the traveler, and his character also count. The lonely traveler might feel quite acute loneliness before. The benefits of solitary journey is the top in the choice of his itinerary freedom. The trip follows only the pace of traveler. The lonely journey encouraged to go to the other by increasing exchanges. Traveling alone as vout allows you to know, to act, to challenge yourself. By cons, if the trip is done in groups, the desire for contact with the other decreases. The travelers themselves are sufficient. Go alone or accompanied, we need to know our own nature. Although compromise exist wave retardant organize group trips because it surprises, mutual exchanges would be beneficial.

travling ith me

I always traveled alone up there 2 years. Since then, my way of traveling has changed completely. I can not say if I prefer one or the other of these practices, both ways are completely different and each has its advantages and disadvantages. We'll see together what are the advantages of each of these two practices.

For example my trips to Lisbon, I went alone, with friends, and couples. Each of his experiments was unique and different from others as the city is the same. We do not seek the same thing when we travel alone, many are those who make this choice for adventure and freedom that this practice gives us.


Yes, traveling alone is having the freedom to do what you want, however you want. You can get up to the time you want, take this dark path that could terrify everyone except you! You will not someone who says "the guide told us that we absolutely have to go visit this museum! "Traveling alone is not having schedules, having no constraints, have the whole world at his feet (and it does say)!


There are things that are much easier to do when you're alone: ​​Hitchhiking, meet people, get shelter or stay up late with this group of musicians fun at the beach because it makes us "kiffer."


They come back, when you're alone were much more likely to meet people. Never forget to leave alone does not mean traveling alone, because they are two totally different things.

The adventure

When we are alone we are much more open to what is happening. An unexpected encounter, the dangers are one solo trip is not forgotten. Traveling alone is to surrender to the dangers and therefore adventures.

"Walking alone, backpacking is to surrender completely to the dangers and men. There is no possibility of leakage and cycling or shelter as with a car. "(Bernard Olivier)

But traveling solo also has its drawbacks:

Having no one to share the best moments.

That's what I like most to travel in pairs, to share with my partner magical moments, landscapes breathtaking. In summary, not only share and show photos once back home. Traveling as a couple is living things in pairs.

Having no one with him in the hardest moments

Sometimes traveling, it can happen to us misfortunes (accidents, theft ...), in these cases do not have the support of someone with us can be very hard.

think only

It can be both an advantage and a disadvantage when you are alone you have no one to remind you of something you'd like to see or do at a particular location.

Like everything, solo travel has its advantages and disadvantages. I could not recommend a single one of his practices, why not change?