
Friday, August 15, 2014

Definition of initiatory journey

Definition of initiatory journey

The principle of the initiatory journey is to give more to those who saw him, allowing him to move up a level in the knowledge of others, the world, and above all, of self, of the self itself.
In the journey of the traveler aspires to blend into the culture of the other, melts others. For this course, it will come to break with her ​​daily and habits; therefore dare question his practice and his thoughts and absorb those of others.
What makes the journey of another trip is open to meetings and contingencies that will allow self-discovery, an awakening, a better understanding of themselves.
In the initiatory journey, the journey has a special place because it encourages contemplation and inner peace. It is often a reflection of inner landscapes and atmospheres.
Usefulness of the Journey of Initiation

The journey of initiation is useful to access an inner joy, some peace and revive the inner light deep within oneself.
"The term" travel broadens the mind "is the perfect example because there is nothing better than traveling to discover, compare, perspective what we are, where and how we live ..." (text by Lionel Dupuy about round the world in 80 Days by Jules Verne)
What is the journey of one who brings to the practice?

- The journey of mutes with his daily habits of thought and action, sometimes known if its boring because repetitive.
This makes it possible to offload the burdens and worries. It operates a domestic movement of "abandonment" of what was experienced.
- Walking manages to free myself from the illusion of essential, powerful and needs to realize that everything has reality and importance that I ascribe to him. Freedom is then a bite of bread, a sip of water, the smile of a child, an open landscape that amazes me and revives me.
- It promotes self-transcendence because the way he can meet who you really are: "Be who you are, always" Hindu Tradition.
I go over my nervousness of "pledged" and my fear of change to cause feed me my start and finally the realization of a dream of mine and try something else, otherwise!
It is the call of the sea that moves me, a promise of truth, or the temptation of a treasure ...
- The decision to move away from its known and repetitive marks and away from the long comedy masks meets the soul searching or his wild leaving behind lightly and go for a walk to meet the huge force starry nights, elemental energies of places and meet our appetites of the body and can be filled to exist simply so intensely, so alive (e).
- To walk is to move forward! So, as Rimbaud said, "Come! "
We always know why we walk: advance, leave, join, leave, and return ... the absolute simplicity of self-presence!
The body moves slowly, with measured steps and the same tranquility gives the mind off!
- Walk brings me to the vertical axis of my life, to meet myself to regain a "me" authentic, a lost identity. Freedom walking is to be nobody to known.
Going from house to house, living landscape, I seized life, I make my site. This is my "en- inside" that turns indefinitely variable. While walking, I am aware, at every step of my inner dwelling ... one foot before the other, one step at a time. We are 2 in 1: My body and inside my soul that has a space for dialogue while open and conducive. The soul is really active and vigilant control of the body.
In the silence of walking, I saw the end of the incessant chatter and constant noise that shield me to meet mostly in the infinite richness of the present moment through my senses awake. "A man, before speaking, must SEE" Thoreau. newspaper
- Everyone can follow the evolution of consciousness itself the landscape is a package of flavors, colorful, powerful odors that infuse the body through the senses.
- The Journey Initiatique allows to make choices and take decisions. It is a path of exploration for those who want to give new meaning to his existence through deep contact with my deep and nourishing inner values​​. For in the way we discover all its possible yet to live. One feels in itself, desires take shape and elk. It was then walking happy blades of shining blades existence of fullness to come ...
What is the initiatory journey brings to everyday life?

Back from his initiatory journey, the traveler can easily find the strength in the energy flow which will now awakened in him.
A traveler returns with its treasures of self-knowledge, its potential and awareness of its limits acquired in the experience of the trip.
It can steer his life in his axes made ​​aware during his trek and implement its priorities in its overarching goals!
The vision of his everyday world can be transformed and he returned to his life be enriched by its new impulses of life, filled with more love and joy of life to fulfill their aspirations!
Its domestic discoveries give him an opportunity to better take his place in his family, to his friends and apppartenir world in a new way, so much more aware and full of all its possible contacted.
It is among the best I wish you ...!
Why make a journey with us?

Specializing in wellness and consciousness, we offer organized trips outside the scope popul
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