
Friday, August 15, 2014

what is travel ?

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"To travel is to make sense of his life, traveling is to give life to his senses" (Alexandre Poussin in Africa Trek II)

"Life is not breathing card only is gasp!" (Alfred Hitchcock)

"Life is a long field to cultivate. Traveling is sow the diversity of the Earth. Traveling is embellish the colors of the world."

"Travelers have generally observe that the glasses they have made for their country and completely neglect the task of making glasses shrink in countries where they go." (John Potocki)

"A tourist is recognizable at first glance. This is an individual of dressed as if it were a country in its own way, it would turn over in the street by being without it." (Philippe Meyer)

"Real home of man is not a house but the road, and life itself is a journey on foot." (Bruce Chartwin)

"As soon as he could walk, a child can travel ..." (xxx)

"When you travel, you make a very practical experience of the act of rebirth. Before you find yourself completely new situations, the day passes more slowly, and most of the time, you do not understand the language spoken by the people. just like a child who just got out of the womb. Under these conditions, you put yourself to give much more importance to what you round because your survival depends on it. you become more accessible to people because they can help you in difficult situations. and you get the slightest favor of the Gods with great joy, as if it were an episode which we must remember its remaining life. "(Paolo Coelho)

"Who used to travel ... knows he always comes a time when you have to leave." (Paolo Coelho)

"Blessed are the tourist who has seen it all before the arrival of tourists." (Bernard Arcand)

"All globetrotting the world know, it's on the streets they are rubbing the identity of a country, both aesthetic and political, economic as mysthique." (Manu Chao)

"The greatest traveler is one who has been able to do once the tower itself." (Confucius)

"What is to travel if you are you taking with you? It's soul that needs to change, not climate." (Seneca)

"One of the great misfortunes of modern life, it is the lack of unforeseen circumstances, the absence of adventure." (Gautier)

"Who used to travel knows there always comes a time when you have to leave." (Paolo Coelho)

"Certainly a donut dream is a dream, not a donut. But a dream trip is already a journey." (seen on one of the forums ABM-VF)

"Of all the books, my favorite is my passport, single octavo opening borders." (Alain Borer)

"There are as many trips as leaves on the tree of the traveler." (Kenneth White)

"Never be afraid of life, never afraid of adventure, trust to chance, luck, to destiny. Leave, go conquer other spaces, other hopes. The rest you will be added unto you. "(Henry Monfreid)

"Of course, traveling around the world are not as nice as they seem. Only when you fled the horror and all that heat that you forget the hassles and you remember the strange scenes you have seen. "(Jack Kerouac)

"The best trip is the one that we have not done yet." (Loick Peyron)

"If we do not turn question, if you do not run a real adventure, after which we will be victorious or defeated with the risk of being beaten up, so it has no interest." (Louis Guilloux)

"The best you can reduce the journey is itself safe and sound." (Persian proverb)

"Voyager adds to his life." (Berber proverb)

"The true traveler does not know where it goes." (Chinese proverb)

"Running the world in every possible way, it is not only the discovery of the other, but this is the first exploration of oneself, the excitement of being act and react. This is the sign that modern man has realized the mess it would be to make a passive already short life. "(Xavier Maniguet)

"The world has spoiled my soul, my imagination is restless, my heart insatiable Everything is too small for me. Easily accommodates my sadness as well as in pleasure, and my life becomes daily more empty day . It remains for me only one resource: travel ". (in "A Hero of Our Time" by Mikhail Lermontov Iourévitch)

"I know from experience that running the world only serves to kill time. Returns were also dissatisfied that we started. Must do something more." (Ella Maillart)

"But what the Adventure? An accident that I have always tried to avoid." (Henry Monfreid)

"It is not a trip. Journey us and we defeated, he invented us." (David Le Breton)

"A journey does not need reasons. It does not take long to prove that it is sufficient in itself. Some think they are a journey, in fact, it is the journey that you made ​​or unmade." (Nicolas Bouvier)

"Walking alone, backpacking is to surrender completely to the dangers and men. There is no possibility of leakage and cycling or shelter as with a car." (Bernard Ollivier)

"A traveler is a historian species, his duty is to faithfully recount what he saw or what he heard, he must invent anything, but it must omit nothing." (Chateaubriand)

"To me, writing is a journey to portray the country that travels and the narrator does not have the right to recognition." (Leonie of Aunet)

"Tourism is a way of bringing people who would be better off at home in places that would be better without them." (Philippe Meyer)

"The big trips this wonderful their magic begins before even starting. Atlases is opened, dream on maps. Magnificent names of unfamiliar cities is repeated ..." (Joseph Kessel)

"Voyager is not used much to understand but for a moment to reactivate the use of the eyes: the reading of the world." (Italo Calvino)

"You can travel not to escape, which is impossible, but to lie." (J. Grenier)

"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page." Or some variation ... "Life is a book. If you do not travel, we do writing a page ... "or another ..." The world is a book whose every step opens a page. "
"The important thing is that they are just passing through." (E. Dabit)

"I think one learns more about a country by reading, especially reading his novels, that the visiting." (Anthony Burgess)

"We travel for a change, not of place but of ideas." (H. Taine)

"Walking would be nothing in itself, even for a thousand kilometers if necessary take a number of things they need." (J. Lacarrière)

"When using too much time traveling, finally becomes a stranger in his own country." (R. Descartes)

"One of the constant provisions of man is to want to be anywhere but where he is." (Jacques Reda)

"To love a country you have to eat, drink and hear him sing." (Michel Deon)

"There are great trips we only do well than slippers." (J. Sarmiento)

"In sum, I find that traveling, it is mainly used to annoy others once you're back!" (Sacha Guitry)

"You think to escape your problems by traveling, and they will leave you behind." (SI Witkiewicz)

"The trip teaches tolerance." (B. Disraeli)

"The trip is a return to the basics." (Tibetan proverb)

"To travel is to be unfaithful Be it without remorse. Forget your friends with strangers." (Paul Morand)

"The traveler is what matters most in the journey." (Andre Suares)

"A good traveler does not have to happen, assert and explain, but shut up, listen and understand." (Paul Morand)

But the true voyagers are only those who leave. To leave, hearts light as balloons, from their fatality they never depart, and without knowing why they always say: Come! (Baudelaire)

"Tourists hate watching. Unit looks for them. When they made sofa, they are soothed, they have cushioned their journey. Stacks of photos they retain are all diplomas certifying that they are moved. "(John du Tour)

"When you travel without knowing English, it seems to be dumb and stupid to birth." (Philippe Bouvard)

"I usually say to those who ask me why I travel I know what I am, not what I want." (Montaigne)

"It would be a beautiful thing to travel, if it had developed up so early." (La Fontaine)

"Nothing develops intelligence as travel." (Emile Zola)

"To travel is to ask for a blow to the distance that the time could only give us little by little." (Paul Morand)

"A country is for me, a face, a smile, a greeting, a first name, rather than cities, mountains, forests and rivers" (Pierre Fillit)

"Leaving is leaving its cocoon, spread her wings and fly away. Realize that this is not the only ones on the planet, we do not know as we thought. On become more humble, more tolerant, a little smarter. "(P.Fillit)

"Who has not left his country is full of prejudices." (Carlo Goldoni)

"Leaving is no longer a luxury for others it's just an awesome experience.." (Preface to the first GDR, 1973)

"To travel is to live, learn the world. When I learned, I can die in peace." (Charlotte Pioch)

"He who does not travel does not know the value of men." (Moorish proverb)

"On the first trip we discovered the second one becomes richer." (Tuareg proverb)

"Travel is your father when you are found you you get back, and the earth will be your mother." (Proverb Zanskar)

"Adventure does not exist. It is in the spirit of one who pursues and when he can touch the finger, it vanishes to reappear much further." (Pierre Mac Orlan)

"The journey for me, this is not happening is from. Unexpected This is the next stop is the unquenchable desire to know ever else is tomorrow, forever tomorrow . "(Roland Dorgelès)

"To leave is to die a little" (E. Haraucourt)

"Leaving is a burst tire" (Coluche)

"We know where we want to go, but it is unclear when, how, by what road it will achieve no need to worry about it too much beforehand;. We'll see ..." (Theodore Monod)

"Travel, like it love! There the loves and those that illuminate darker. All depends on the heart that lives, and men have the heart they can." (L. Pelletier)

"The secret to traveling in a nice way is to listen politely to know the lies of others and believe the most possible. They will leave you in this condition, produce your turn your small effect and thus profit will be reciprocal . "(Dostovieski)

"A journey from 1 000 km begins with a single step." (Lao Tzu)

"Travel is the education of youth and the experience of old age." (Francis Bacon)

"The impetus of the trip is one of the most encouraging signs of life." (Agnes Repplier)

"Ah, it's French travel well, it's like the pie!" (Claude Zidi)

"The most beautiful places are just what we do. Which man is a poet in his memory a piece of rock that takes up more space than is taken on the most famous aspects of the country wanted to major costs "(Honore de Balzac)

"What is that in general a traveler? He is a man who goes looking for a conversation piece at the end of the world." (Barbay Aurevilly)

"So it is true that we are confident that travel broadens the judgment and perfect man, alleged to be like those plants that can not bear good fruit after being transplanted." (F. Deseine)

"On the road, the better it is to get lost. When strays, projects give way to surprises and it was then, and only then, the journey begins." (Nicolas Bouvier)

"All things considered, there are two kinds of men in the world: those who stay at home, and others." (Rudyard Kipling)

"The hardest thing for a man who lives in Vilvoorde and wants to live in Hong Kong, it is not going to Hong Kong, is to leave Vilvoorde." (Jacques Brel)

"One never goes so far as when one does not know where one is going." (Columbus)

"The journey, like love, is an attempt to turn a dream into reality." (Alain de Botton)

"We do not travel if you do not dream trip we do., I do not mean the dream asleep, but he wakes, sweating, throat, the hirsute, the crooked, the relatable not the beautiful people to stop aging. "(Daniel Mermet)

"And there is nothing more beautiful than the moment before the trip, the moment when the horizon of the future comes to visit us and tell us his promises." (Milan Kundera)

"It is not in some sort of retirement that we will discover: it's on the road, in the cities, in the middle of the crowd, a thing among things, a man among men." (Sartre)

"It looks like we made ​​trips to illustrate life itself and that can serve as symbols in existence. Were struggles, we toiled, we sweating blood, suicide is almost, we really sometimes even kills trying to accomplish something - and it does not succeed "(Joseph Conrad).

"One of the things I enjoy the most when I travel abroad, is to think that I will return to France." (P. Daninos)

"I sometimes feel like wandering around the world for the sole purpose of accumulating material for future nostalgia." (Vikram Seth)

"Better to have memories than regrets, so pack" (MP)

"Imagination is well worth the travel and it costs less." (GW Curtis)

"The man did not need to travel to grow and it carries with it the vastness." (Chateaubriand)

"We travel around the world in search of something and you return home to find it." (G. Moore)

"The real journey is going. Once there, the trip is over. Nowadays people begin by the end." (Hugo Verlomme)

"You must travel to rub and grind her brains against that of others." (Montaigne)

"The journey is necessary only short imaginations." (Colette)

"The trip is a kind of door through which one emerges from reality as to enter an unexplored reality that seems a dream." (Guy de Maupassant)

"I, the only trip that interests me is death. Because we do not earn slides." (Wolinski)

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes." (Marcel Proust)

"The important happens not at the end of the road, but much earlier, during the journey itself." (M. Pavic)

"There are more comprehensive than that traveled a lot has changed twenty times the form of his thinking and his life rights." (Lamartine)

"A journey proves less desire of the country where you are going that trouble the country as we leave." (A. Karr)

"We do not travel for travel but for traveling." (A. Karr)

"Most trips find their interest in the anticipation that makes the memory or that warning, the reality is most often limited to the loss of his luggage." (R Nadelson.)

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