
Saturday, August 16, 2014

A journey is an adventure

A journey is an adventure
Paris center Play / Elementary School 48 rue Hippolyte Maindron (75014)
Keywords (all keywords)
Children EC1: Adrian, Aurelian, Juliet, Ivanna, Elyas, Saybo, Estelle, Jordan, Margaux, Maxime, Audrey, Virginia, Laura, Camille, Peter Owen, Alexander Dorsaf, Abiramy, Leo, Patricia, Quentin, Diane Hugo, Celia.

- What is a journey?
- What can you take with you?
- What can you bring back from a trip?

What is a journey?
How can we travel (...)
What can you take with (...)
What can you bring a (...)
  What is a journey?

A journey is an adventure.

To travel is to discover.

This is from a country to another country.

It's going to another city.

Travel is from.

Travel is from Portugal.

Travel is from the sea.

To travel is to a vacation.

It is when one has free time, we paid holidays.

It's moving around the world.

A trip is somewhere where you can go, Italy, France, Spain ... in a town outside of Paris.

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It is moving on track and watch the animals. The trip is fun, you can go to the end of the world.

It's moving, it's fun, it's rolling, it's walking, is to discover new animals is to discover new people is to join the people we loves.

When traveling, you can see the water and clouds. You can go to Chile by flying. To travel is to discover the world and see the sky. You can also go to the zoo and watch the tigers. One can discover South Africa.

A trip is a place where you are going and where we rest. One can even go swimming and, with his parents, we can go see the animals.

It's moving around the world. This move is walking. One can visit Paris, this is something that makes us happy.
A trip it can be very hard.

A trip that can be: from school to home, from Tunisia to Corsica, France to Belgium. From home to school, it's a short trip.

For TV, we travel in our heads.

When we watch TV, we dream we travel, when we also sleeps.
Imaginary trips, trips to Spain, travel to America ...

It is walking in a forest on an island or on a beach.

I do a big trip when the teacher asks us questions, we tell stories.

To travel is to learn a new language.

  How can you travel?

While visiting a zoo, an aquarium, a building, a castle. It can move in the class.

With planes, helicopters, ships, submarines, by train, by car.

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By opening a book.

By "imagination".

Motorbike, scooter flying, flying saucer, spaceship, a dragon of China, flying carpets.

In volcano, horse, dinosaur.

On a flying motorcycle, bus. Dreaming unicorn and deer.

You can travel in a flying saucer or the back of a dog.

With wings, a rocket.

You can travel in dreams.

Friday, August 15, 2014

best trevelll

Santé, forme, beauté, épanouissement personnel, longévité… Le vacancier des temps modernes, quand il boucle ses valises, ne se pose pas trente-six questions : il veut être " bien ". Dans son corps et dans sa tête ! " Conséquence d’une société formidablement stressée, on repère un besoin vital de parenthèses sociales, de récréation, de détente, de fuite loin du monde de la compétition pour récupérer sans pression, souligne le sociologue Bernard Cathelat1. Désormais, on s’échappe à la première occasion vers un ailleurs dont les règles sont différentes. Le succès d’Internet, des jeux vidéos, du virtuel est à rapprocher de l’engouement pour les voyages lointains et l’exotime. "
Différent ? Un univers isolé de la pollution et du bruit, au soleil de préférence, sentant plus la chlorophylle que les gaz d’échappement, invitant à une table saine sans pour autant être " bio ", à des fêtes populaires sans pour autant donner dans le gigantisme, compte parmi les ingrédients de base pour des vacances réussies. Une bonne dose de convivialité en plus, le tout assaisonné d’une valeur montante : la lenteur. En fait, renouant avec les premières heures de son histoire, le tourisme du nouveau millénaire n’a pas vraiment d’autre choix que de répondre à une très forte demande thérapeutique. " Le voyage, ça fait avancer ", dit Nouvelles Frontières. " Etre Re ", dit le Club Med. Des vertes campagnes du Limousin aux plages blanches des Maldives, en passant par les sommets des Andes, la tendance est à la " touristhérapie " – qui pourrait compter parmi les prochains néologismes du vocabulaire touristique. Mais, au-delà de ce but non dit et souvent non avoué, masqué par quantité d’alibis culturels et sportifs, le vacancier obéit à d’autres motivations inconscientes. Celles que recèlent ses imaginaires.

Guidés par nos imaginaires

La littérature, l’histoire, la musique, la culture, etc., sont les pierres angulaires de ces représentations mentales intimes, différentes pour chacun, que le sociologue Rachid Amirou nomme " les imaginaires de voyages ". Relativement flous, " ces imaginaires sont une évocation plus qu’une connaissance. Ce sont des images, des symboles et des figures. " Ainsi, certains auront en tête des images de New York correspondant aux romans de Henry Miller, tandis que d’autres se façonneront une image de la capitale américaine à partir des films de Woody Allen. Le Mexique sera synonyme d’un exotisme criard, de plages et de cocotiers, ou bien le pays du Popocatépetl et du serpent à plumes. Tout dépendra de la culture du voyageur et de sa perméabilité au matraquage publicitaire, toujours plus habile à imposer des clichés racoleurs n’ayant qu’un lointain rapport avec la réalité.
Si les imaginaires contribuent à déclencher le désir de partir et initient le choix d’une destination, ce sont eux aussi qui servent de guide au voyageur et lui dictent ses comportements durant son évasion. Ainsi, quelques-uns danseront-ils coûte que coûte à Rio, d’autres suivront les pas de Pessoa à Lisbonne, d’autres encore, qui sait, voudront revivre la révolution à Cuba !Véritables invitations au voyage, ces images mentales présentent cependant un danger : " Quand le voyage vécu ne correspond pas à ce que l’on en attendait, il est raté ", explique Jean-Didier Urbain dans son excellent ouvrage, “Secrets de voyages” (voir marge). Pour ce sociologue partisan de la théorie des imaginaires, le rituel de l’évasion n’a pas fini de nous surprendre. Il renferme en particulier plusieurs types de " secrets ". Ceux liés au contenu du voyage et, dernière découverte, ceux liés à la dissimulation du départ en voyage.

Partir en clandestinité

Le voyage s’inscrit de plus en plus dans une logique de désinsertion, note Jean-Didier Urbain. On part sur la pointe des pieds… Le nouveau credo des vacances bien faites devient le furtif. " Tendance majeure du voyageur contemporain : disparaître dans la clandestinité. On s’éloigne de plus en plus de ces comportements ostentatoires qui structuraient jusqu’à présent le moment du départ.
Plus intéressant encore, la remarque selon laquelle c’est dans cette clandestinité que s’exprime l’une des autres demandes inconscientes du touriste, celle qui consiste à se travestir, à devenir un autre et à se livrer à ce que l’on nomme des "rites d’inversion". " Le manuel se met à lire, l’intellectuel se prend à bricoler, le pauvre joue au riche et le riche au pauvre, poursuit Jean-Didier Urbain. On est en plein jeu de brouillage des appartenances sociales. " On est en pleine transgression. On est au cœur des comportements vacanciers fin de siècle.
The greatest pleasure of travel is perhaps the surprise return. I see that it gives value to people and to the most insipid things.

Walks in Rome, Volume 1 By Stendhal
[Stendhal] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

There's only one way to learn: It's through action. Everything you needed to know, it's the journey that you have been taught.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
[Paulo Coelho] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

It is not given to everyone to take a bath of multitude: enjoy the crowd is an art; and only he can do, at the expense of mankind, a debauch of vitality, a fairy who instilled in her crib taste for disguise and mask, hatred of home and love of travel.

The Spleen de Paris - Adopted in 1864 under the title Small prose poems - Crowds
[Baudelaire] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

The art book is not the encounter with the work. It is only the preparation for the journey, preparing for this unique moment that awaits you, the acquisition of knowledge that will help you better prepare yourself and open yourself to the avalanche of emotions awaits.

Art History
[Didier Hallépée] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

A collection of quotes above all an incentive to travel, a trip to suit the imagination, a look of wisdom on a theme.

General culture by citations
[Didier Hallépée] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

It is a privilege of the traveler to leave a lot of memories and live in the heart of a stranger sometimes longer than the memory of his own friends.

Maxims and thoughts in "Miscellaneous tests, letters and thoughts of Sarah Newton, Countess Destutt Tracy
[Sarah Newton] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

Coma: wandering traveling balanced on the edge of life.

[Gueret Jacky] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

You will enter an adventure. Well, listen to the one who comes back! You'll face the unknown, listen one that tells you: the unknown, I know. You will embark on a ship sailing shivers in the wind and will soon go on a journey of great promise, listen velui telling you: stop, I had that sinking one!

Hugo - Acts and words
[Victor Hugo] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

Faith comes by intuition, and faith is the anchor of human reason. The reason fleet, vogue, sails, explore, discover, go, and this is the sublime journey. It maps the idea, it illuminates the entire periphery of this perennial problem is our thinking the sea; but it is only with the anchor, with faith, with the intuition that it can find the bottom and be attached thereto. Never resting, never wetting ever port of the vessel, if it has that anchor.

[Victor Hugo] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

The poet knows down in life; but believe that if he agrees, it is not in vain and he will learn from his journey. Ugliness and stupidity it will introduce a new kind of enchantment.

Baudelaire - The Romantic Art
[Charles Baudelaire] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

We have not yet made the final step of our journey, we have only the first of a long and difficult road. For to be free is not merely to get rid of his chains; is to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. The real test of our commitment to freedom has just begun.

Long Walk to Freedom
[Nelson Mandela] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

But I know that this is not the case. The truth is that we are not yet free; we have only achieved the freedom to be free, the right not to be oppressed. We have not yet made the final step of our journey, we have only the first of a long and difficult road.

Long Walk to Freedom
[Nelson Mandela] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

Today I read my travel notes. Who publish?.

Gide: Journal, Volume 1: 1887-1925 by André Gide
[Gide] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

The purpose of the trip is not to set foot on a foreign land. It is finally set foot in his own country as if it were a foreign land.

Tremendous Gilbert Keith Chesterton Triffles
[Gilbert Keith Chesterton] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

Few men like long travel, this perpetual break all the habits, the shock ever given to all prejudices. But I worked to have no prejudice and little habits. I enjoyed the delicious depth of beds, but also touch and smell the bare earth, inequality of each segment of the circumference of the world.

Memoirs of Hadrian by Marguerite Yourcenar
[Marguerite Yourcenar] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

We can now know almost everything about someone on social media: know the names of his friends, his tastes, his activities, his style, his travels, what time he gets up and how he dresses. But ultimately we know nothing, and that's when we witnessed the tears that finally understands.

Five praise proof Sylvie Germain
[Sylvie Germain] Quotations travel - Citation and proverb about travel

Even if you had reasons, I mean practical reasons not to take me as a traveling companion, companion, guide, burden, tyrant and whatever else I might still become, it seems to me that as a corresponding - and that's only what it is for now - there should be no prima facie clincher against me.

Letter to Felice Bauer

Read more at voyage.php#g3BhE0vw4keO81re.99

bad travel

When undertaking a trip abroad, the issue of low or high travel season comes up regularly on the mat. A stay of even a few weeks in a foreign country is not trivial and raises a lot of expectations. And it's true that the season and weather are important parameters to be considered. However, this observation is also true for our country. Traveling in low season in France offers its advantages but also disadvantages. Little review of the problems encountered during our trip on the Atlantic side end of September.

The increased risk of bad weather

It is not going to lie: a nice weather is still a major asset to enjoy a trip and more vacation. I'm not talking a few moments of rain, as one can have in Southeast Asia. No, I speak of a constant bad weather that makes you want to watch the series in a good duvet.

As I said earlier, we left in our old VW combi for a couple of days, "bivouac / camping" mode. It works well and it's great when the weather is nice. And we've had rain.

Three days of almost constant rain, interspersed with very cloudy, put the strained nerves. Despite all our gear (including shower, portable shower ...), we have struggled. I'll spare you the details, but I assure you wash a vehicle (even a combi) when it rains, everything gets wet, it's too cold to remove not even a sweater, it's not there has more cool.

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of tours?

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of tours?

The formula of the tour package offers several advantages. First, all the logistics of the trip is supported: this allows you to save time before and during the trip. In addition, you have someone to contact in case of problems or the travel agent or representative at your place of stay. Also, the charges for individual services (transportation, lodging, tours and excursions) are traded and therefore less expensive than if you had to make reservations individually. However, the tour also has drawbacks. Group travel is to risk meet people with whom you share little or no affinity and agree to submit to the schedules included in the program.

nice summer

Undoubtedly, the journey to help the development of every individual. The traveler will have a different approach to the world, enjoys meeting new people who will bring an open mind to return. Voyager gives a feeling of freedom. Many draw new strength traveling, they relax. Discoveries are numerous whether the discovery of oneself or the discovery of the other. Voyager allows the exchange. The universe changes matter enormously to the blooming of individuals.

Voyager could pose risks such as theft, loss papers, baggage and danger itself. So, a traveler should be prepared to face these unforeseen importantly it is far from home. There has people who love solitary journeys and others enjoy group travel. Some like others have advantages and disadvantages. Traveling alone varies with the type and duréée proposed travel. Cultures encountered, and the chosen destination préciment play a big role. The experiences of the traveler, and his character also count. The lonely traveler might feel quite acute loneliness before. The benefits of solitary journey is the top in the choice of his itinerary freedom. The trip follows only the pace of traveler. The lonely journey encouraged to go to the other by increasing exchanges. Traveling alone as vout allows you to know, to act, to challenge yourself. By cons, if the trip is done in groups, the desire for contact with the other decreases. The travelers themselves are sufficient. Go alone or accompanied, we need to know our own nature. Although compromise exist wave retardant organize group trips because it surprises, mutual exchanges would be beneficial.

travling ith me

I always traveled alone up there 2 years. Since then, my way of traveling has changed completely. I can not say if I prefer one or the other of these practices, both ways are completely different and each has its advantages and disadvantages. We'll see together what are the advantages of each of these two practices.

For example my trips to Lisbon, I went alone, with friends, and couples. Each of his experiments was unique and different from others as the city is the same. We do not seek the same thing when we travel alone, many are those who make this choice for adventure and freedom that this practice gives us.


Yes, traveling alone is having the freedom to do what you want, however you want. You can get up to the time you want, take this dark path that could terrify everyone except you! You will not someone who says "the guide told us that we absolutely have to go visit this museum! "Traveling alone is not having schedules, having no constraints, have the whole world at his feet (and it does say)!


There are things that are much easier to do when you're alone: ​​Hitchhiking, meet people, get shelter or stay up late with this group of musicians fun at the beach because it makes us "kiffer."


They come back, when you're alone were much more likely to meet people. Never forget to leave alone does not mean traveling alone, because they are two totally different things.

The adventure

When we are alone we are much more open to what is happening. An unexpected encounter, the dangers are one solo trip is not forgotten. Traveling alone is to surrender to the dangers and therefore adventures.

"Walking alone, backpacking is to surrender completely to the dangers and men. There is no possibility of leakage and cycling or shelter as with a car. "(Bernard Olivier)

But traveling solo also has its drawbacks:

Having no one to share the best moments.

That's what I like most to travel in pairs, to share with my partner magical moments, landscapes breathtaking. In summary, not only share and show photos once back home. Traveling as a couple is living things in pairs.

Having no one with him in the hardest moments

Sometimes traveling, it can happen to us misfortunes (accidents, theft ...), in these cases do not have the support of someone with us can be very hard.

think only

It can be both an advantage and a disadvantage when you are alone you have no one to remind you of something you'd like to see or do at a particular location.

Like everything, solo travel has its advantages and disadvantages. I could not recommend a single one of his practices, why not change?

And what are the disadvantages of tours?

What are the most popular trips organized?
The tours are they for you?
Page 1To whom are the voyages ... Page 2What what is included in a ... Page 3Avantages and disadvantages of ... Page 4Destinations and reservations
Nathalie De Grandmont, Boost March 2010
March 20, 2010
The tours are attracting more and more young couples and groups of friends of all ages. Here is everything you need to know before booking your ticket.

What are the benefits of tours?

Group tours allow mainly to have a good overview of a destination in a safe environment where all the logistics are taken care of. It also saves time (before and during the trip) and money because, in general, all components (transportation, lodging, tours) are less expensive than individual.

For cons, the new semi-supervised circuits are a little more expensive because the groups are so big and they then receive less than the volume effect.

Moreover, whether one is in a circuit with or semi-supervised, you avoid many problems in organization, the stress of driving in unfamiliar cities, searching his hotel, to engage his guide local, etc., which allows you to concentrate on the visits themselves. It also benefits from the presence of guides and local guides, who can ask all the questions.

Finally, group trips also offer some the opportunity to make many friends, including the Europeans, who are often paired Quebecers in systems in Africa and Asia, among others.

And what are the disadvantages of tours?

Schedules are often restrictive, forbidding us to stay longer in places that we like, for example.

Established for the majority, the programs also frustrating sometimes people a little more active (not a lot of walking!) Or those who need more time to relax.

It can also be frustrating to always eat in restaurants or hotels groups: sometimes too touristy, too noisy and rarely more typical. At times, the constant presence of the group can become an irritant.

Inconveniences of air travel

Inconveniences of air travel

That's it, the holidays have arrived and to win the destination of your dreams, you have to fly. Be aware though that an air flight exposes a few physical constraints and can be the cause of minor health problems that must be known.

Ready to ship? Doctissimo offers a final check-up before takeoff.

First, get ready!

You're afraid of flying? Try to calm down. Despite the risks inherent in moves, the aircraft remains in effect currently the safest mode of transport. If you're really too stressed, talk to your doctor. It will help you overcome your fears.

Fly If you smoke a lot and dreading the long flight non-smoking mail it is better perhaps take home some chewing gum to reduce nicotine cravings. Even put a patch before the flight. Because we saw heavy smokers become so anxious and irritable during the journey they came to attack the crew!

Two altitude effects: a decrease in pressure and a decrease in oxygen

You're on board, have crossed security systems. The plane took off on time. Whew! But some elements are useful to recall that your trip does not impact on your health.

For example, the barometric pressure at the edge of a flight is lower than that found on land and corresponds to a majority of the aircraft at an altitude of 1500 m 2 500 of the above Wed This does pose any problem. However, if you are a diver, it is best to observe a period of a minimum between your sport and air travel day to avoid decompression sickness.

Due to the drop in pressure, the oxygen content is slightly lower than on the ground. In the vast majority of individuals, it is of no consequence. But it can hamper carrying a heart disease or severe respiratory illness, which should therefore discuss their travel plans with their doctor prior to displacement. Eventually, they will also benefit from additional oxygen.

Beware ears!

Another effect of altitude and barometric depression is that it increases the volume of gas. At the time of the rise of the aircraft, the air that is contained in the sinuses and middle ear behind the eardrum expands and exits through the tubes connected to the nose. During the descent of the aircraft, on the contrary, it tends to penetrate into these cavities through these tubes. To tolerate these changes, it is essential that good air circulation.

To prevent damage to the eardrum, it is advisable to yawn or chew and give candy to children during takeoff and landing. Better to also avoid air travel when you have a cold, an ear infection or sinusitis because the air can not then move freely inside the cavities of the face, which increases the risk of being a victim of a very painful barotrauma.


It is no longer a mystery, with the name of our blog Personal Travel in pairs, you will all understand that we travel together! After crossing South America, we now walk everywhere in Europe on business and our future adventure gently prepares Asia. This means that the first experience was not discouraged, on the contrary! We already had the virus before traveling to meet us and it has only grow and turn it into a terrible desire to discover the world together. Yet our travels couple are sometimes far from a honeymoon in extension. We have to say things as they are: two travel can also have its share of disadvantages. But let's start with the best before you off right away, you, behind your screen that plan maybe chuck everything and go with your expensive (e) and tend to the other side of the world ...


If you rarely left alone constantly when traveling alone - unless it is voluntary - the couple travel imposes itself a presence at his side every day. This presence is an undeniable advantage in times of hardship. Someone who will cheer you up and support you, even physically, is important when traveling long. When that one person knows you and knows you just calm down in a few words, you reassure a kiss, to encourage you to move forward when you think you are out of strength or make you laugh when you have a little bit of blues, then you will know immediately that you have done well to leave at two.

Credit: John O'Sullivan / Creative Commons
Credit: John O'Sullivan / Creative Commons


A trip is a unique experience that you will tell one million times to friends and family when you return. But before sharing, we must live these adventures! And when we climbed a peak once thought insurmountable, when we crossed miles on foot with twelve pounds on your back, or just when one is faced with a wonderful sunset, we want to share right now this moment with someone hot and not to tell him in three months when the decline has blurred the magic and excitement. We just want to take her hand and say that we are lucky to be there, happy and proud to have done this together.


If daily life at home is going well, life journey is a real test. Some couples can not resist them. But no, do not leave yet! Certainly this advantage can also be a disadvantage. But finding another trip will reveal all its faults, no filter, no way out other than to resolve communication problems and will even confront you with your own shortcomings. In the end, this adventure as you live on the other side of the world will let you know if it is likely to last you return. In short, to paraphrase Xavier in The Russian Dolls "is starting off with someone we can know if we are close."


Once past that test, your adventure is complete, your relationship will only be stronger. Because to quote another cliché "what does not kill you makes you stronger." Obviously, you will not be vaccinated against the petty arguments but everyday problems you seem to be only trifles face that you lived together in some more difficult situations, and you can overcome them with much greater ease and especially serenity. Your complicity is also grown and you will just want to leave together!

Credit: Ellen Kaufman / Creative Commons
Credit: Ellen Kaufman / Creative Commons


One drawback which comes into play if you decide to go backpacking, couch surfing, hostel and camping mode. If you go to the hotel every night, which is more luxurious, I wish you good instead of bubble baths and free parts of legs in the air around the world. With a little less comfort, your sex life will not however be as prosperous and at home. After a trek of three days without a shower and sleep 4 hours in the nose, you may not want to provide your body with your other half will have. The journey thus strength to love each other despite the fatigue, sweating, without artifice. A love for real then.


Sometimes you will need to follow each other in adventures that do not like you at first. If it is culture and you bun, if you are more mountains and sea him, we must learn to compose your trip together so that everyone can find happiness without anyone feels aggrieved. One drawback that is not an entirely because the key to life together, traveling as elsewhere, lies in accepting the other as it is to listen and understand their desires with the sacrifices that this can sometimes involved.


If feel supported and share everything with his half are advantages, its presence at your side at all times can also be a drawback. It is also necessary to keep your marriage survive your trip, you give you moments to you. A little massage while Madame went shopping, a cinema comedy -Romantic while Mr. attends his soccer game in the stands ... If for some that fall within the concession, for others, it will avoid the contrary in do, two disadvantages avoided one go!

some disappointments

Travel may be indicative of certain defects in the other that you had not discovered before, the situation of daily unsuita- there. Latent racism, a bad habit to be carried away by events, a special way to get excited at the slightest blow ... the list of defects that can occur while traveling is long on everyone. Perhaps the question itself does not yet know! Again, everything is a matter of concession and travel two will test the strength of your relationship.

Here you are now warned that the adventure couple offers: its share of surprises, discoveries, unforgettable memories, and sometimes small mishaps, but nothing that can not be overcome by talking a bit and taking self. So, ready to go on a trip together?

This is a travel ....

This is a travel ....
Gives us the opportunity to sail in our hearts through travel in nature and in the eyes of others.
The other becomes a mirror to us, and we are a mirror of the last ...
Each sees himself and his troubles and worries over the mirrors that of the non-Aasnaha travel.
The more each of us mirror cleaner and more purity whenever the last surface sees himself as the more obvious.
They said they traveled in seven travel benefits, but they did not say that traveling makes a person sees himself through a mirror.
The reality in which they live without much human to travel, obscures the fact self even think for a person that no illnesses or troubles without realizing that it might be the whole of the disease, and all the trouble, especially when it is shallow and superficial knowledge of thought.
In Travel: comes the critical problems of weakness and ignorance to cast projections on the mirror, which is accompanied by or difficulties which to travel, without the opportunity to take advantage of the fact that the same vision in order to convey the reality of fatigue to a future of hope.
This is the travel ...
Stations of the same and the mind .. Either plump self tired of swimming knowledge granted by traveling through the viewer sees and hears and feels her rights traveler to pose in the end the outcome of the ideas reflected in front of him through the mirror which it is associated, either through a travel companion, or a friend of chance, or the masses passers-by, and the features of the streets, and the greenest mountains and the blue of the sky and the waves of the sea. And either resting the mind on the balcony of a hotel room or on a hill overlooking the view remote practiced meditation which unleash the imagination in order to see Malairah residing in a place back in it that does not think, because it has become part of the rigidity of the place and out of the limits of time until the horses for that object rigid that the world they are considered the entire ordering and Attaba Btabaúah.
And human Traveler: Needs in traveling to the intermediate times of random noise in order to throw repression imposed by the rigidity of reality, a noise comes out of self tired of inertia, even though despoiled the ability to enjoy some beautiful travel times as the price that must be paid by the traveler of silence.
The greatest benefits of travel Almsavraly he knows himself, and especially that the traveler take away from the reality of the human ability to identify self, but he gets Balfjaah and to recognize when the pain of tired and exhausted and aware of the levels of fatigue and pain.
If traveling entertainers requirement per year is necessary, it's tired really sacred in order to get to know themselves before they melt amid the reality of not fluent in self-discovery and re-spirit to it, as far as deepens the frustration it and force it to subdue consider her eyes towards the land agent see the moon shines in the sky does not allude roams hope on the horizon.
In Travel traveled many benefits, the most important: you yourselves and sales on which I traveled far from you, to come back to you via mirrors all its imperfections and sufferings for you you are the doctors, you treat yourselves whatever you want with your hands.
Some countries Traveler travels to mind (envelope) removing the packaging that surrounds his mind and give him the opportunity to travel freely his mind. Once the traveler returns to the place that has clouded his mind until it is re-packaging of his mind again.
Some countries Traveler travels to mind free from all restrictions Vtaidh to where he came from a closed mind because of the factor packaging.
The greatest countries: it is the place where your mind stripped of all his thinking is hampering free.
The worst and most dangerous of all: that place that once step into the land of its airport until you feel that it may rule on your mind to death, and whenever crossed the column of those queues repeated, whenever you feel you escape from detention again and again, not because you carry in your bags drugs or explosives, but for the intervention of the place you mind (non-coated) after that dared to throw the old cover. This feeling of fear and disgust to his re-Traveler Packing first before traveling, a condition that ensures the safety of his body in exchange for pledging his mind for packaging until another date with travel!
The traveler can choose his place cautiously and intelligently. If the brains of people with (coated) should go to a place frees minds of packaging.
If it is minded (liberal of limitations and concerns) should go to a place more liberal agent is encapsulated liberal mind.
If the re-packaging of his mind in the permanent place of residence, should go to a place restores life to his mind. If the packaging has been in his mind to travel anywhere, same thing quickly to the place that gives him freedom.
How much I respect the airport employee who owns the sense of smell very upscale do not look for a bottle of aromatic has characterized the sense of Shamma high-end between the fragrance and the drug, and Ahtqralamozv which does not have the value of the book is not respected, which makes it clutters my books like a bag of explosives Looking amid its pages for a bomb the size of a character or word.
Airport employee no matter what kind of work: a true mirror of reality to which it belongs, and was not aware of that fact has died much about knowing what not reveal travelers to the country of that employee, when they return to their home countries to say something different from Matcolh features imposed silence and satisfaction fake!

Why have we taken the habit of traveling in our societies?

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Jean-Didier Urbain, "Tell me how you travel, I will tell you who you are"

Jean-Didier Urbain, a sociologist and anthropologist, has been working for many years on tourists and their behavior.

Why have we taken the habit of traveling in our societies?

First men traveled for survival, for food purposes (hunting and gathering with the seasons and the regions), safety (escape wars, epidemics and other natural disasters) and professional (pastoral nomadic or migrant merchant economic). Why, once removed from the necessities of life, have they continued to travel? That is the question.

And today, what are our motivations to travel during our vacation?
You could say that we're just doing it for fun. But this answer is not enough. First we love traveling because we désinhibent: away from home is thought to escape a time of moral rules of society. Hence the common but just as "the journey transforms the person!" Then get away from his residence idea is also out of his shell, exposing themselves to the unknown and meet the other . It then meets the "stranger", literally that which is strange, different from me. And that I appear as strange too! I love this ironic remark Georges Perec noting that we always say that Columbus discovered the Indians but we forget that the Indians have also discovered Columbus.

So there is a danger in the form of travel?
This is actually a self-endangerment. When traveling, it is like a worm naked strayed into unknown territory. But this experience is mostly a way to better understand the world and learn the relativity of things. So I think it is important to travel as soon as possible, and as often as possible. For seniors, the journey can become a real makeover! It allows them to stay in touch with the changing world and avoids the danger posed by their withdrawal and the congealing of the mind.

You explain changes in our travel practices by comparing the evolution of the ethnologist trade. What for?
The anthropologist was at first very distant subjects he observed. Secondly it is up, up to settle among them. Finally, he was no longer content to watch but began to participate in the life of these companies to better understand them. This is what is called the "participant observation". Similarly, the tourist does not want only to be surprised when his tour but wants to fill a real role! This allows him to approach closer to the reality of the places and people. One of the conditions of a voyage of discovery 100% successful today.

How do you choose your destination?
Once we opted for a place rather than another as he proposed attractions, monuments, its landscape, its material heritage, past and natural. Now we demand more. We want a destination of history is a carrier, romance or drama. It's not for nothing that the regions are fighting for TV serials episodes or movie will be shot! This will transform a space into a place, as it acquires a narrative dimension to the traveling public. Some guides fully play that card. One can, for example, to visit Venice in the footsteps of Corto Maltese. A completely imaginary character of Hugo Pratt!

The representations we have a destination therefore play an important role in our final choice?
You do not choose a place, but the image one is done! Destinations without strong symbols are therefore very difficult to exist. Historic cities like Paris, Rome and Venice have no problem ... This is harder however to new destinations. Angoulême example was not related to any particular image. The problem has been solved since takes place every year a festival of comics.

The destinations for tourists therefore evolve over time ...
Some places were once very attractive and are no longer today. Therefore, as the singing Gilbert Becaud, would we see on Sunday airplanes Orly while this idea seems completely absurd today? Or on the contrary, the favelas (note: Brazilian slums) are now tourist spots when we had become accustomed to carefully avoid? Desires change and as objects of desire ...

You clearly made ​​the distinction between vacation and travel ...
These terms are often used synonymously. Yet it may well have leave and do not leave home! Similarly, it has become customary to describe as a "tourist" anyone who is outside her home. This is not correct! This word has a specific value, which means "one who makes a turn." So it means a mobile person.

A holiday at the beach, this is not tourism?
Someone who goes to the sea is not a tourist. This is a person who raises the buttocks in the sand. Seaside tourism, this would mean moving from beach to beach! But for all these vacationers are not uninteresting to study. Their behavior is also very symbolic. They breed on the beach an ideal domestic universe, turning his back on the world everyday.

Video: Beach witnessed a company with Jean-Didier Urbain (Source: Youtube).

Despite the economic crisis, people continue to travel. Is this a sign that move has become a necessity in our society?
There are still twenty to thirty years, when households had money problems, the first post that was deleted was the trip. Today, it is preferred cutting corners on food, clothing or appliances. The practice of travel has become a cultural standard. When the crisis began there seven to eight years, many French have worked on their reserves and therefore do not change their behavior. Only now, the recession perduring, some households are forced to also reduce their travel budget.

Does this mean that the number of departures is down?
We perceive today a true "guerrilla recreation." Faced with the crisis, it is organized! So it does not pass through the usual channels of trade, that is to say, the travel agencies, but reserve their holidays online. There are also rental swaps as exchanges of apartments or houses. Or the principles of sharing: traveling in groups of 8 to 10 people and costs are shared. Sometimes families also decide to go along with the grandparents so that they finance part of the trip or stay.

Going on a trip every year is still perceived as a kind of obligation today?
It is a marker of exclusion only when one is unable to travel due to insufficient funding. Otherwise the holidays away from home are no longer seen as an obligation. For some it is even a way to stand out from the others: when everyone leaves, I stay. The height of snobbery! Today, the frequency of travel does not necessarily ostentatious value related to an economic determination. A worker from urban and often travel a frame residing in rural areas. Also appearing more sophisticated practices: people increasingly prefer to make only big trip every 3-4 years rather than every year from destinations cheap.

Internet, using tools such as "Google street view" allows you to explore the world in pictures from home. Why do we travel always the same?
Even with webcams that broadcast live pictures we never end up facing each other as possible by moving physically. At no time virtual trip can therefore replace the actual experience. New technologies have the opposite today tend to become less interesting excursions. Formerly travel, it was happiness to disappear. But now, thanks to mobile phones and all their new features, we remain constantly connected, even on the other side of the world. The break is therefore never complete. And we do not have that same pleasure to reappear among us at the end of our adventure.

So would you recommend to turn off his cell phone while throughout his journey?
Personally, I've grown accustomed to. Today, travelers are "cybertouristes" boarding with them amount of electronics. Nothing but our cell phones allow us to call, check our emails, take pictures ... and leave us the possibility to get lost using GPS. The pleasure of the city, yet it is possible to get lost! Today need more contact with the natives to ask directions. This is a bubble that is closing in on us ...

What will your next trip?
At the end of the semester, I will go to my house in Burgundy. I'm going to write, it is therefore not a real holiday ... Otherwise I'm used to give me every summer in Corsica. I work there a hobby that allows me to find the "zen" is the spearfishing. Because in the words of Theodore Monod explorer ". Past head under the water, it is immediately another world" For me the journey begins here range f

i think the travel

I think that traveling allows an open mind. It is important to discover new people, new cultures, denouvelles languages, new customs, it makes ripen, and allows for better adaptation to certain life situations. When traveling ABROAD we go to countries that do not work like us and when we go in a poorer country that makes us realize how lucky we ade live in a modern country, where we do lacks nothing. This also shows that our differences are secondary quepour essentially humans have a similar perception of life, experience the same joys and the same penalties. In addition, travel enrichitl'être human, and when he returns from a trip, he looks different than when left world. Voyager allows you to be more tolerant, to have a better vision of the world and realize that we are not alone in the world and there are a lot of things to discover. Danscertains countries, girls are not allowed to go to school, children are forced to work to support the family and therefore not a true neconnaissent childhood. In a country like ours it is impossible to imagine that. Finally, I think traveling is essentielpour discover oneself, grow well, do not be selfish, do not stay in a bubble, traveling definitely makes an open mind.

travel is very nice

There are so many reasons to travel. Of course, I'm not talking about homes in entertainment center, tower operator, in a rented house at the seaside or even a visit to cousin went to Quebec; but a journey, a journey that takes us to the end of the world at the end of ourselves, pushing our limits a little more with every kilometer. All of us in its own right, there are as many as there are travelers. But every traveler who meets the gaze of another, understands.

He understands that life's ups and downs, its days of rain and sunshine, his days of bread and feast days of his sentence and his life with joy. He understands that no matter why this soul decided to travel, it is here, at this place and it's time to shake hands and get to know each other, and share a bit of yourself, as share a bit of it. For this is one reason for this trip, to meet others, open, discover. You quickly learn that you have to fight for so many things in life, the traveler decides him to make a truce, in preparing his bag and he puts it on his back, thinking, "here it is, my flag off white. "This traveler, though it remains discreet, always has an eye brotherly eye when it crosses all white flag. He smiled inside and feels in a world that opens. Not from above, not laws and technocratisés, not administrations scrambling mind minds but at the bottom, where the vote abolition of prejudice, where the boundaries fall, races the social ranks and which uses this magic tool, the first created by men, before writing, before the economy even before the discovery of fire: communication.

Back to the roots, so perhaps a return to a life of wandering, with no future when the past is in the past. Let his mind wander, is to give a chance to dream without forcing them to give our thoughts a realistic twist. Indeed, the right to dream, the right to engage in the unreal, the right to be unreal, in a world that is too. We have the right to dream unattainable things as we are aware that this is only a dream. Why dream achievable things? To give the desire? Or rather, because we think it is impossible? When we say: "A valiant heart, nothing is impossible," the traveler knows the truth.

All happen if we are given the means. Providing the means? For the trip, this means first of all give up comfort. An effort? Not a chance. If no comfort retains the traveler, then it is more likely to move, to visit, to share this discomfort. It sounds hard to believe but someone who shares his lack of comfort with you is more touching than someone who robs you of too much comfort. Discomfort loosens tongues, brings good humor and sometimes even humor.

Laughter is important to a traveler. The Chinese say: "Laugh three times a day makes unnecessary medicine." And you have to heal when traveling because the body is strained. The heart also. When laughter is an international language that conveys love, friendship, desire to approach strangers for an hour, a week or a night, then this laughter becomes the companion of the traveler. It's easy to laugh with strangers, give something of ourselves, because we know that it will not last. The barriers fall and it becomes itself.

Hard to be yourself in a formatted by stereotypes world. So we quietly contains and stores in the ranks. But the traveler does not know that feeling because its purpose is not to please but to live. While traveling, it's a little run, a little rebel to be. We discover through others and situations that we live, we discover flaws and qualities that we do not know each other and if we had put away, like everyone else. It's also an escape everyday life, a life of medium neighborhood that can predict the future, because every day alike. Traveling is afford not to know ...

I do not travel to find a stable life, we travel because we did not find it, no wonder travel, no travel out from the crowd, we travel not to go. I do not travel, we advance ...

Why travel? Because this is the future of humanity. Discover from those we do not know, afford to learn, to be open. It's not easy as some may imagine, but it is our choice and even if sometimes the heart is bleeding, it is to remind the traveler how his life is good.

A traveler ...

Gains or losses

Gains or losses
When traveling a lot, it sometimes happens that we think about all that we could afford if we did not spend much money on travel. However, few travelers come to regret it. On the contrary!

Whoever has traveled feels freer than the average person. Free to cross borders and to come and go as he pleases around the world, of course, but there's more. Because freedom can be defined as the ability to make choices, few human activities are likely to offer the same. Our choices define us and eventually travel brings us to clarify our values​​, our priorities and our motivations. It is how all this?

After a few trips, you learn to easily switch things once thought essential, it is easier to support sprains his foibles and his notion of success is changing in depth. We may even discover the qualities of the company that is his and appreciate more the chance that we have to be part of. Does all this has a price?

And traveling, we develop certain to have a future. By trading from time to time its cozy slippers against a solid pair of walking shoes, one can easily get the impression of pushing the limits of his own age! While traveling: loss or profit?

Learning is fun travel

Learning is fun
When you start planning a trip, we are often surprised to learn as little about the chosen destination. It has quite a few images in mind, vague notions of geopolitics and we can, of course, place the country on the world map, but it is never enough to conceal our relative ignorance. So we often much to learn. Must be arranged, of course, not entirely helpless from, but the bulk of our new knowledge you acquire on the spot, by total immersion. The journey is a remarkable school whose teaching always ends up leaving traces.

Did you know that the cities of Memphis and Philadelphia have not always been in American cities? Do you know the difference between the Mongols and Mughals? Can you name the highest capital of the world? You guessed sure the Inca people never existed? It does not matter: you can still sleep soundly without knowing that Memphis was a city of ancient Egypt; that Philadelphia was the Roman name of Amman, capital of Jordan; Mongolians are living in northern China while the Mughals were a dynasty which once ruled over India people; La Paz, Bolivia, with three to four thousand meters, holds the title of highest capital in the world; the word Inca means minister in Aymara and that by mistake the Spaniards attributed to the entire population of the Andes.

Ignore all this is hardly disturbing. Yet there is a real pleasure to learn these useless things. These bubbles are popping know life like good champagne. We can somehow afford a surplus of history with the history of others, a surplus of culture through the culture of others, a surplus of beauty through the beauty of others. It is a priceless luxury ...

Travel: eternal renewal

Travel: eternal renewal 
A recent book, a collection of previously unpublished texts by Nicolas Bouvier, entitled It will leave (1). The title arises as to the issue of travel because of its recurrence seen as a need to start over. Without pretending to solve the riddle of this 'drive', let alone provide the exhausting answer the question, the study of a corpus of letters of complaint written by travelers disappointed however led us to distinguish at least four major categories of root causes of this recidivism ... 

1 Initiation 
The trip is considered by the traveler as a perpetual learning reoffend is not so much in this case as a rehearsal educational pursuit of an ideal enshrined in the indefinite continuation of an experiment initiation. No matter whether they are living or roaming, internship or circuit, immersion and circulation. Travel, in all cases is to learn; and it never stops to learn over a trip therefore less again that continued steadily increased and continued after all ... As Montaigne said, "the world is a sufficient book" and travel, c is in some way to travel on a journey, as a chapter after another, step by step, round after round, detour after detour, learning by exploring: learn by "reading" the world - to be discovered or we check it in Don Quixote conscious corroborate his readings. 
2 Collection 
Didactic or mystical, scientific or humanistic religious, aesthetic or missionary, possibly altruistic or therapeutic (under current forms of humanitarian and shamanic tourisms), the use of initiatory journey however knows a quantitative offset. He then saw the desire to learn to turn into a desire to build, so the pedagogical challenge is supplanted by a serial which feeds a fantasy game and accumulation reflects a "quantifrénie" - a frenzy of quantity. 
The acquisition of knowledge project here gives way to performance. Advanced by this recurrence pattern is a perfect completeness ("I want to do all countries," says quantifrène). But that alibi can not hide concept drift towards uses manic ostentatious transforming the experience of discovery-trip lesson in booty-trip or traveling trophy. Collectionnite This is not a new trend, or an uncommon cause. She participates same long been active in the myth of the "flyer" often mistaken about this pluralist who "rolled his hump" everywhere, "fact" all countries and "curly" ten times around the world. Revenue of all, it is usually called globetrotter and many are inspired. But it also takes the form of what might be called a ... serial traveler. 
3 Addiction 
This time it's for good in the offense, in its purest form. Here the traveler wants to find fun but lost so much reminded of a first successful experience. The comparison with the addict is needed, stubbornly looking in the reproduction of an experience he has ever had in a previous, identical. After the trip continued through initiation and travel added by the collection, it is this time in the trip for good reiterated by reproduction, as a fantasy reconstruction that generates immutable habits, indétournable fidelity, this rigidity addictive being carried by a categorical imperative forecasting setting the repetition of everything - the place, days, itineraries, milestones, holidays, activities, actors, etc. 
4 Consolation 
Finally, if this time we are still in recidivism, it is not to find pleasure or a tried and lost happiness. Instead, it is better to take revenge on a misadventure, and be revenged conjure memories of displeasure and misfortune unfortunately encountered. This time it is repaired it travels is: one or more failures and corrected by another symbolically intended to forget disappointments, injuries or disasters and shipwrecks sometimes traumatic and quality which it is important to serve, to wash, to heal itself. Cauterize and heal wounds. Some travelers are doing by lying, even compulsive lying or crazy, who are seeking treatment for the failure by the fable or illusion. But others prefer the antidote to the fiction of a real alternative experience, which is also the origin of the desire to leave, based on the principle of travel-medicine ...

Out of ordinary

Out of ordinary 

Have you ever regretted not being able to live a life other than your own? Do you sometimes feel that, first, time flies too fast and, secondly, your days are depressingly monotonous? If it happens to you is that it is time to "put a little trip" in your life. 

Even when we like the life we ​​lead, there always comes a time when the ordinary becomes just too ... ordinary. While there are so many wonderful places to discover, so many exciting road ahead, so many ways of life to explore fascinating and wonderful people to meet, why be content to stay quietly at home? 

Why deprive yourself of the pleasure of waking up one morning in a hotel room of unknown and say, "Today I will visit New York," or "I'm going down Li jiang boat," or "I'll climb Machu Picchu "? Why not treat yourself to the extraordinary and unprecedented? When the weight of repetitive days we glue the feet to the floor, a trip gives us wings. 

We all deserve better than the life we ​​have. And since we can hardly live a different life than our own, we all have the right to cheat a little with our limits. Go elsewhere for some time made ​​clear that much larger geographic borders borders.

Have you ever regretted not being able to live a life other than your own? Do you sometimes feel that, first, time flies too fast and, secondly, your days are depressingly monotonous? If it happens to you is that it is time to "put a little trip" in your life. 

Even when we like the life we ​​lead, there always comes a time when the ordinary becomes just too ... ordinary. While there are so many wonderful places to discover, so many exciting road ahead, so many ways of life to explore fascinating and wonderful people to meet, why be content to stay quietly at home? 

Why deprive yourself of the pleasure of waking up one morning in a hotel room of unknown and say, "Today I will visit New York," or "I'm going down Li jiang boat," or "I'll climb Machu Picchu "? Why not treat yourself to the extraordinary and unprecedented? When the weight of repetitive days we glue the feet to the floor, a trip gives us wings. 

We all deserve better than the life we ​​have. And since we can hardly live a different life than our own, we all have the right to cheat a little with our limits. Go elsewhere for some time made ​​clear that much larger geographic borders borders.

The tourist

The tourist is not this a bit boorish individual and herd that is so often portrayed. It is a complex traveler who carries with him his desires and dreams. His ways of traveling speak volumes about our society and our time.
Analysis of tourism practices are often exposed to a first error, which is to amalgamate the subject and the phenomenon. To confuse or refuse to distinguish tourists tourism. Thus the observation of the traveler as a person - with his desires, values ​​and dreams - it disappears in favor of the study due to mass: quantity, its number, its spaces, its cash. On behalf of sociological distance, statistics neutrality or dealer realism, it thus comes to a purely accounting approach to tourism practices: times, times, percentages, frequencies, locations, transportation, seasons, lodging, dating ...
These approaches have their uses of course. But they ignore all the psychological aspects of the trip. Tourism can not be reduced in the windows of tour operators or come down to the opinion of the guides, hotels and other tourism professionals. Against this error, it is go here to meet a subject without which the tourism phenomenon would not. Exploring the jungle of myths and imaginary representations and ensuing projects. The "Map of Tenderness" of possible trips, trends, or the complex geography of holiday wishes ... no tourism without tourists. Stating the obvious? No doubt. But it nevertheless seems useful to recall again and again thereby anyway: "The traveler is still what matters most in the journey (1)! "

The idiot of the trip
The pitfall of this confusion is that it leads to lend to the tourist vices of tourism: environmental harm (arrangements and pollution), cultural offsets (reduction and picturesque folklore), adverse economic impacts (inflation and speculation), the effects social destructuring (urbanization and migration), often redoubled moreover the development of traffic arising from the taste of lucre, luxury and lust (sex, drugs and casino) ... On this basis, the traveler finds attributed to the perversities reality from the handling and mercantile exacerbation of his desires and dreams ...
This antitouristique posture, so unfair as it is, is very convenient. The slaying of the idiot of the trip on the altar of true travel has long been a morally satisfactory sacrifice for the elites (2). By decreeing responsible pernicious effects of the leisure travel industry, it is guilty of judging these tourists from the ravages of tourism and persecute them accordingly. The trick is crude but convincing! And we grasp better then the approximation so often between the tourist and the sheep. Follower and cursed, it is not only that of Panurge but also the Bible ...
The second error, equally widespread, and largely determined by the first, is to underestimate the tourists in its complexity. It is found innocent or guilty: passive or active complicity of the tourist forfeiture, naive or cynical, awkward or opportunistic, it is wrong in all cases. The sheep here becomes volatile. It is pigeon. Pigeon, of course. Or manipulated traveler. This is a certainty. The tourist is, you know, be a crude, uneducated, rude, shallow, selfish, eager, lazy, stupid, etc. The language has also taken note of this postulate. Do not they say "being there as a tourist" to stigmatize, useless, the intruder unconscious or irresponsible? Whereby traveler devalued eternal underestimated, as the "tourist class" - renamed "economy class" passenger low cost - the meaning of his travels, their functions and symbolic stakes are too. Today, as in the social sciences than for professionals (although they deny it), do not give this subject the dignity of being complex study is a very common attitude ... yet
Yet what use this hedonistic leisure mobility relies ever a fundamental question: why do we travel? Why do we do it again? Why do we persist in this mobility, and even doing it again-when we're out of land promised to discover or country to conquer? We no longer have to flee danger or basic resources, work or food, climate or safe places to find? While we are neither nomads nor migrants or showmen nor tramps or other mobile vitally dependent, that we are no more than those that need or tradition grow the movement, why are persisting despite us perfectly still travel? It is here that this subject proves its importance and interest. The tourist is entirely in his determination and perseverance. He travels despite criticism, crises, scorn and danger, while not pressing anything grows there, in principle at least. He wants to continue traveling. What for? This is its major anthropological value.
The tourist is a symptom of society. Far from its reduction to practice social class or status of raw material of a lucrative market captured by sellers of paradise, the fact remains that tourism talks about society. He talks about our desires, our dreams, our fears and our dislikes. The urge to travel, the envy of the world, conceals our preferences and trends. She talks about us. She reveals.

Everyone's worldview
Anthelme Brillat-Savarin said the eater, "Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are. "The anthropologist can tell the tourist:" Tell me how you travel, I will tell you what kind of society you live and how you design your existence. "Our vacation, travel, holidays and tourisms interposed, express trends: strong guidance attitudes, sensibilities mutations, changes in ideologies and representations.
He was thus a time of Montaigne to the guests of the nineteenth century, when the aim of the trip was first officer of health, we traveled for his health. And it is now to travel for fear of losing it, sometimes taking excessive precautions to prevent the risk of disease! Similarly, discovery side, did we go from pleasure to fear. If we once left at random, with a taste of the unexpected, it goes today bristling information, forecasts, reservations and insurance of all kinds. Nothing is more unpleasant for the "adventurer" contemporary, always linked to the Net, before, during, after, never detached, disconnected, so when he travels really far, an unexpected! This is such an incident, escaping his foresight could make him lose his money, his relationships, network, or worse, its time! Thus he will therefore now in a "sick society of the time" (Nicole Aubert, The Cult of the emergency.'s Sick society of the time, Flammarion, 2003) which even the leisure traveler, hurried, stressed, n has ceased to mend a "canvas" which he does not want to go out ...

Mirror of an era
The anthropology of tourism is therefore part of what used to be called in the days of Herbert Spencer, Gustave Le Bon and Ferdinand de Saussure, the "general psychology." Its mission is "to identify patterns and structures of representation of the imagination which, attitudes and vintage sensibilities, inform and guide practice (3). "It is clear these models and imaginary. It is they who are causing a phenomenon of considerable mobility. They generate, guide it and redefine constantly, depending on historical, inflections or changes in our worldview, and the influence of these variables on the collective psychology.
It is obvious today that a tourist can not be compared to that of yesterday or the day before yesterday. Aristocrat of old, petty bourgeois emancipation of formerly member of the Touring Club of France (4), city in search of fresh air, employee and worker rewarded (5) Paid Vacations war boom in the heart of the 1960s, rebel backpacker years 1970, each generation, each age class or each class brings its worldview, its own set of desires, patterns of behavior and imagination of his time. Those are fluctuating variables, but still significant. Leisure travel tells us because it is a place of issue, disinhibition, free expression, emotional release and re-appropriation of self. As rightly wrote Jean Viard, paid holidays are like "permissions that limit desertions and imaginary diseases soldiers (6)," and that so vacation trips are special moments to tell the gaps and enter expectations of everyone. They are in this respect a bottomless pit to watch at your leisure (this is the case to say) the desires of men, their quests, their leakage (see The four desires capital) ...
Given this key question - why do we travel? - Add that said "tourist" complex subject is a man who, although at the shelter necessities, not only continues to travel but additionally ever again. Repeating, repeating the experience of the trip, he did it again (read Travel: eternal renewal)! Here is a reason in another. Why do we travel is one thing. Why "revoyage 't be quite another! Why are we on leisure travel proven recidivists? Why this amazing obstinacy as curveball a trip to another, and without which, again, the markets for vacation and tourism would not be?

Yet, begin from
The origin of this pattern of practice - which is even ready today to continue in spite of the crisis, to use resourcefulness, hospitality of parallel networks and barter (7) on the sidelines of official institutional services and the legal market - the number of units of various kinds have been developed. One of the first mentioned rightly, is the desire for distinction. So do we use going on holiday and leisure travel as a means of social recognition and ostentation, but also integration of domination. We should also mention the cultural and health benefits of the trip, which in every way shape, heals, educates young and old alike as it is known at least since the Renaissance. As for development, we can finally write down the almost mechanical report this cyclical practice of mobility accreditation with urbanization, a state of civilization which sees companies in proportion to the size of their cities, issued in reaction even more holiday departure cities are large.
But beyond these psychosocial determinations, functional or civilization behind the phenomenon, there, do not forget again, the subject can not be reduced to these roles and causes, so efficient they are.
The subject with his dreams, his reasons, his unreason as (8), its cardinal desires, this determination to repeat the experience, his freedom. This is not only a consumer of travel. It is also an inventor, an interpreter, a hermeneutic.
Also, finally, should be careful not to confuse the media and the public, particularly in the belief that such a place invariably manifested such a desire because he would prescribe the function or use his visitor. For example, the call of the desert of loneliness and desire can only be answered Sahara and Greenland. A cabin in the woods or a garden background may be sufficient, as the encounter with the other does not require every time a far country to echo the altruistic dream. So Claire Bretécher, mocking his famous Frustrated on vacation, sent word to one of them: "This idea of ​​going to the Third World while the underclass is seven metro stations (9)! "In contrast, and despite geographical appearances, hiking ten or fifteen in the Kalahari, Queyras or Taklamakan will report cenobitism well as societal temptation and desire to host both can be satisfied in a festival at the beach, camping or obviously in town. Of course? "If I had to imagine a new Robinson, Roland Barthes said, I do not lay it on a desert island but in a city of twelve million inhabitants, it can not read or speak or write: it would , I believe, the modern form of myth (10). "

Dreams and reasons
It is the imagination of the traveler, shaped by those desires, which determines his worldview (places and environments) and the experience of the trip (trip or stay), for others and for himself. Without this imagination, this world would be nothing but empty as spaces and these trips vain mobility - that so often are blamed for this antihero accused of unnecessary journeys: the tourist (11) ... In addition to their meaning, use and, of course, their image, it is this imagination that makes the world an attraction - an object of attraction and desire - and travel a temptation and an invitation without which the desire to leave is not, and so why necessarily recur even less!
The writer André Suares wrote of a traveler: "Countries are just what it is. They vary with those who go (12). "And those through them first with their dreams and their reasons. It is their first luggage. That merchants and industrialists are next to their carriage trade is another matter, of the order of the phenomenon, its operation, its commercial recovery. Let us not be confused. And go in search of this forgotten man, a symptom of society ...

Travel, for what?

Travel, for what?

Travel, for what?

For many of us, travel means go, get out of everyday life and to go away from home ...
At first glance, it's quite simple. And yet ... the impact of any journey undertaken is enormous, but who takes the trouble to analyze and exploit them of course! ...

Leaving, why?

There always comes a time when her daily routine is usually just too ordinary and thus manifests the desire or the need for "a bit of traveling in his life."

We feel the strong need to change air, to see the world ...

It is true that everyone's expectations are many and varied: rest, relaxation, discovery, openness, love of learning, meeting others etc.

Alas, today also we have in this area "consumers" travel. We try to make it up, store destinations, accumulating names of countries visited and we do not always take the time to examine the impact that travel can produce in us.

It is thought a trip but in reality it is the journey that makes us or defeated. He builds us, deconstructed, we change, it opens us to new horizons.

It is also for this reason, that God in the Qur'an enjoins us several times to explore His Earth, its vastness, the great open book ...

Notably through a verse, full of meaning, which is in Surat Pilgrimage, and it is perhaps no coincidence that this verse is found in this chapter, when we know how the visit these holy places often leave an indelible mark on the heart and mind ...

"Do they not roam the earth in order to have hearts with which they reason, or ears with which they hear? For it is not the eyes that grow blind, but blind are the hearts which are in their breasts "(Quran 22/46).

Through this rhetorical question, it does in fact include the countless benefits that travel can produce in us.

The journey is a rich and complex experience. Sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell, all our senses are in turmoil, they unite so that we understand and that we place ourselves in control of this vast and rich earth sign of the Creator ...

Openness, the encounter with the Other, the different places discovery, exploring the vastness of creation .. are the same, and the list is far from exhaustive, the benefits brought by trip.

Here, which particularly concerns me is the encounter with the Other but mostly understand how this encounter with the other influences the self-discovery.

The Other self

That may be a commonplace to assert that the encounter with the Other is primarily an encounter with oneself. Indeed, it is as if, parallel to the outer journey took place more intimate journey, deeper .: a journey into the inner self.

Yes but how does it operate?

Intercultural encounter will happen will inevitably stir, question, shake the world of representations of the traveler.

He sees other ways of doing things, to speak, to eat, basically another way of living and take, so aware of the differences but also similarities.

Of course, this is not always simple. Sometimes you have to force yourself to find some food for the less strange, other customs, other practices which are designated under the concept of culture.

This introduction to diversity, difference, otherness will naturally come to question our traveler and push to admit, in his heart he is different, other than the other ...

Discover other means recognizing the otherness in itself and in the words of the philosopher and sociologist Edgar Morin, "It's because the subject is otherness in himself that he can communicate with others."

Especially the discovery of oneself

The trip has this great ability to afford somewhere a metamorphosis to the traveler. Indeed, a traveler would return travel being morally, mentally, internally the same as it was before leaving will undeniably missed his journey.

The trip is part of a personal quest of self-discovery, as the poet said: "The trip means a departure from me, an infinite distance and infinite happened to me."

Somehow, the trip allows the transformation of the self in three stages, before / during / after.

Before the trip, we are preparing to leave, the discovery of an elsewhere.

During the journey becomes a concrete rather than imagined experience. Self-transformation works gradually. Prejudices and misunderstandings are strained. For example, exoticism attributed to the Other gradually disappears, becoming a reverse exoticism, one is oneself the exotic.

The strangeness is no longer in the Other but in itself. An identity redesign is necessary because a new identity begins to emerge ...

After that, it's back, a new beginning, a new journey. We changed and the return can be difficult and sometimes painful. Return is a strange feeling with a thousand facets.

Thus, the trip can not be reduced to a movement in space and time. Rather, it is the manifestation of the discovery of a broader, more universal and more personal self-knowledge.
"The shortest path to oneself, takes you around the world"

The trip is a school of life. We do travel, especially not to travel, otherwise wandering ...

Travel, for what? For (e) change ...

A journey, what is it?

A journey, what is it?
And for you, a trip, what is it?

Behind this seemingly innocuous question actually hides for each of us, a real way of being, identity and sometimes, do not mince words, a philosophy!

I do not teach you anything, there's obviously many ways to travel and passenger: one can find rest, sun, comfort, adventure, exoticism; we can go four days or 2 years; a weekend in Prague suitcases loaded with 3 or 6 months through Asia with only a backpack.

Philippe and I share with pleasure on this blog in particular, the many trips we have the chance to experience, to live. For MonNuage, we travel France and Europe. These trips take us each time a little further above the Arctic Circle, near the Dogon region of Mali ... What unites us, what motivates us and our identity, it is this desire for discovery , meetings and sharing!

In this, we are good representatives of the travel community following our adventures and loves to share his online. Just like Peter or Jocelyne, members MonNuage have this vision of travel in common: it does not stop once through the door of the house ... The sharing of experience is our motto and actually, for us, part of the tour :)

Here's a great summary, video (because we love it ^^) of what looks like a travel

Definition of initiatory journey

Definition of initiatory journey

The principle of the initiatory journey is to give more to those who saw him, allowing him to move up a level in the knowledge of others, the world, and above all, of self, of the self itself.
In the journey of the traveler aspires to blend into the culture of the other, melts others. For this course, it will come to break with her ​​daily and habits; therefore dare question his practice and his thoughts and absorb those of others.
What makes the journey of another trip is open to meetings and contingencies that will allow self-discovery, an awakening, a better understanding of themselves.
In the initiatory journey, the journey has a special place because it encourages contemplation and inner peace. It is often a reflection of inner landscapes and atmospheres.
Usefulness of the Journey of Initiation

The journey of initiation is useful to access an inner joy, some peace and revive the inner light deep within oneself.
"The term" travel broadens the mind "is the perfect example because there is nothing better than traveling to discover, compare, perspective what we are, where and how we live ..." (text by Lionel Dupuy about round the world in 80 Days by Jules Verne)
What is the journey of one who brings to the practice?

- The journey of mutes with his daily habits of thought and action, sometimes known if its boring because repetitive.
This makes it possible to offload the burdens and worries. It operates a domestic movement of "abandonment" of what was experienced.
- Walking manages to free myself from the illusion of essential, powerful and needs to realize that everything has reality and importance that I ascribe to him. Freedom is then a bite of bread, a sip of water, the smile of a child, an open landscape that amazes me and revives me.
- It promotes self-transcendence because the way he can meet who you really are: "Be who you are, always" Hindu Tradition.
I go over my nervousness of "pledged" and my fear of change to cause feed me my start and finally the realization of a dream of mine and try something else, otherwise!
It is the call of the sea that moves me, a promise of truth, or the temptation of a treasure ...
- The decision to move away from its known and repetitive marks and away from the long comedy masks meets the soul searching or his wild leaving behind lightly and go for a walk to meet the huge force starry nights, elemental energies of places and meet our appetites of the body and can be filled to exist simply so intensely, so alive (e).
- To walk is to move forward! So, as Rimbaud said, "Come! "
We always know why we walk: advance, leave, join, leave, and return ... the absolute simplicity of self-presence!
The body moves slowly, with measured steps and the same tranquility gives the mind off!
- Walk brings me to the vertical axis of my life, to meet myself to regain a "me" authentic, a lost identity. Freedom walking is to be nobody to known.
Going from house to house, living landscape, I seized life, I make my site. This is my "en- inside" that turns indefinitely variable. While walking, I am aware, at every step of my inner dwelling ... one foot before the other, one step at a time. We are 2 in 1: My body and inside my soul that has a space for dialogue while open and conducive. The soul is really active and vigilant control of the body.
In the silence of walking, I saw the end of the incessant chatter and constant noise that shield me to meet mostly in the infinite richness of the present moment through my senses awake. "A man, before speaking, must SEE" Thoreau. newspaper
- Everyone can follow the evolution of consciousness itself the landscape is a package of flavors, colorful, powerful odors that infuse the body through the senses.
- The Journey Initiatique allows to make choices and take decisions. It is a path of exploration for those who want to give new meaning to his existence through deep contact with my deep and nourishing inner values​​. For in the way we discover all its possible yet to live. One feels in itself, desires take shape and elk. It was then walking happy blades of shining blades existence of fullness to come ...
What is the initiatory journey brings to everyday life?

Back from his initiatory journey, the traveler can easily find the strength in the energy flow which will now awakened in him.
A traveler returns with its treasures of self-knowledge, its potential and awareness of its limits acquired in the experience of the trip.
It can steer his life in his axes made ​​aware during his trek and implement its priorities in its overarching goals!
The vision of his everyday world can be transformed and he returned to his life be enriched by its new impulses of life, filled with more love and joy of life to fulfill their aspirations!
Its domestic discoveries give him an opportunity to better take his place in his family, to his friends and apppartenir world in a new way, so much more aware and full of all its possible contacted.
It is among the best I wish you ...!
Why make a journey with us?

Specializing in wellness and consciousness, we offer organized trips outside the scope popul
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The benefits of travel

The benefits of travel
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Data Tables
Canadians are looking for three main benefits of vacation or leisure trips: relaxing, strengthening ties with family and friends and finding new or different places. Although most people hope to gain multiple benefits from their vacation, relaxation is often cited as an important benefit (63% of travelers).

For almost half (48%) of adult passengers, seeing family and friends is a very important benefit of leisure travelers. Exploration and discovery are then 28% of Canadians say that this is very important benefits.

Travelers who wish to work full time to relax more than others, while those with children want both see family and friends and relax more. University graduates and travelers without children pay more attention to learning.

the benifice travel

The surprising benefits of traveling on mental health
Published July 8, 2013 by Shepell fgi

The Surprising Benefits of Travel Health mentaleParfois, our perspective changes and we discover new solutions when we take a step back to our world. Many authors know this phenomenon for a long time: the words do not come to them when alone in front of their screen, but suddenly are scrambling on their way to the nearest cafe.

The movement itself is an amazing source of ideas and innovative solutions. Now it is possible to leave totally free rein to our imagination by changing the environment. Scientific research shows that travel opens up neural pathways in the brain. They can therefore enhance the overall mental health in many ways.

All this is related to the way our mind makes associations. Even the language can somehow limit our cognitive processes. When we call something, we rank with the other things that fill the world around us. This thing loses its mystery, its power to amaze and marvel. Take your cat as an example: if you have never seen such a creature, and the word "cat" is not in your vocabulary, the sight of this animal will strike your imagination and revolutionize your world!

Travel is dépaysants because they expose you to new stimuli and allow for more mental associations. You can see our lives in a different light when we are thousands of miles from home. These new mental associations are sources of new prospects. Suddenly, a world of possibilities that we were previously unknown before us. When we separate an idea of ​​its usual connotations, we find that there are many other ways to approach it.

Every day of our life takes place in a particular physical environment, and it is the same for the mental climate. Certain ideas and beliefs (thought structures) predominate. We may be prisoners of these thought patterns without even realizing it. Traveling in a foreign country will break the mental chains created by habits immediately. When we realize that there are different ways of seeing the world, we can learn to distance ourselves from our own associations.

This is particularly evident at work if you engage conversation with someone who does not speak much French. Language barriers will force you to take your time and explain some basic concepts that seem obvious. You will discover that not everyone has the same understanding of these concepts. Assumptions differ from one culture to another, and even from one region to another within the same country. The trips put us in contact with different designs that engage the imagination and stimulate thought. This experience can relax the rigid cognitive habits that may prevent us from moving forward. New avenues are opening up, and the world seems to again offer endless possibilities.

To learn about other ways to improve your mental health


"What is to travel if you are you taking with you? It's soul that needs to change, not climate."

"One of the great misfortunes of modern life, it is the lack of unforeseen circumstances, the absence of adventure."

"Who used to travel knows there always comes a time when you have to leave."
(Paolo Coelho)

"Certainly a donut dream is a dream, not a donut. But a dream trip is already a journey."
(seen on one of the forums ABM-VF)

"Of all the books, my favorite is my passport, single octavo opening the borders."
(Alain Borer)

"There are as many trips as leaves on the tree of the traveler."
(Kenneth White)

"Never be afraid of life, never afraid of adventure, trust to chance, luck, to destiny. Leave, go conquer other spaces, other hopes. The rest you will be added unto you. "
(Henry Monfreid)

"Of course, traveling around the world are not as nice as they seem. Only when you fled the horror and all that heat that you forget the hassles and you remember the strange scenes you have seen. "
(Jack Kerouac)

"The best trip is the one that we have not done yet."
(Loick Peyron)

"If we do not turn question, if you do not run a real adventure, after which we will be victorious or defeated with the risk of being beaten up, so it has no interest."
(Louis Guilloux)

"The best you can reduce the journey is itself safe and sound."
(Persian proverb)

"Voyager adds to his life."
(Berber proverb)

"The true traveler does not know where he is going."
(Chinese proverb)

"Running the world in every possible way, it is not only the discovery of the other, but this is the first exploration of oneself, the excitement of being act and react. This is the sign that modern man has realized the mess it would be to make a passive already short life. "
(Xavier Maniguet)

"The world has spoiled my soul, my imagination is restless, my heart insatiable Everything is too small for me. Easily accommodates my sadness as well as in pleasure, and my life becomes daily more empty day . It remains for me only one resource: travel ".
(in "A Hero of Our Time" by Mikhail Lermontov Iourévitch)

"I know from experience that running the world only serves to kill time. Returns were also dissatisfied that we started. Must do something more."
(Ella Maillart)

"But what the Adventure? An accident that I have always tried to avoid."
(Henry Monfreid)

"It is not a trip. Journey us and we defeated, he invented us."
(David Le Breton)

"Some people think they are doing a trip, in fact, it is the journey that makes you or defeated."
(Nicolas Bouvier)

"Walking alone, backpacking is to surrender completely to the dangers and men. There is no possibility of leakage and cycling or shelter as with a car."
(Bernard Ollivier)

"A traveler is a historian species, his duty is to faithfully recount what he saw or what he heard, he must invent anything, but it does not leave out anything."

"To me, writing is a journey to portray the country that travels and the narrator does not have the right to recognition."
(Leonie of Aunet)

"Tourism is a way of bringing people who would be better off at home in places that would be better without them."
(Philippe Meyer)

"The big trips this wonderful their magic begins before even starting. Atlases is opened, dream on maps. Magnificent names of unfamiliar cities is repeated ..."
(Joseph Kessel)

"Voyager is not used much to understand but for a moment to reactivate the use of the eyes: the reading of the world."
(Italo Calvino)

"You can travel not to escape, which is impossible, but to be."
(J. Grenier)

"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page."
(St. Augustine)
or a variant ...
"Life is a book. If you do not travel, we do writing a page ...".

"The important thing is that they are just passing through."
(E. Dabit)

"I think one learns more about a country by reading, especially reading his novels, that the visit."
(Anthony Burgess)

"We travel for a change, not of place but of ideas."

"Walking would be nothing in itself, even for a thousand kilometers if necessary take a number of things they need."
(J. Lacarrière)

"When using too much time traveling, finally becomes a stranger in his own country."
(R. Descartes)

"One of the constant provisions of man is to want to be anywhere but where he is."
(Jacques Reda)

"Tourists hate watching. Unit looks for them. When they made sofa, they are soothed, they have cushioned their journey. Stacks of photos they retain are all diplomas certifying that they are moved. "
(John du Tour)

"To love a country you have to eat, drink and hear him sing."
(Michel Deon)

"There are great trips we only do well than slippers."
(J. Sarmiento)

"In sum, I find that traveling, it is mainly used to annoy others once you're back!"
(Sacha Guitry)

"You think to escape your problems by traveling, and they will leave you behind."
(S.I. Witkiewicz)

"The most beautiful places are just what we do. Which man is a poet in his memory a piece of rock that takes up more space than is taken on the most famous aspects of the country wanted to major cool! "
(Honore de Balzac)

"What is that in general a traveler? He is a man who goes looking for a conversation piece at the end of the world."
(Barbay Aurevilly)

"So it is true that we are confident that travel broadens the judgment and perfect man, alleged to be like those plants that can not bear good fruit after being transplanted."
(F. Deseine)

"On the road, the better it is to get lost. When strays, projects give way to surprises and it was then, and only then, the journey begins."
(Nicolas Bouvier)

"All things considered, there are two kinds of men in the world: those who stay at home, and others."
(Rudyard Kipling)

"The hardest thing for a man who lives in Vilvoorde and wants to live in Hong Kong, it is not going to Hong Kong, is to leave Vilvoorde."
(Jacques Brel)

"One never goes so far as when one does not know where one is going."

"The journey, like love, is an attempt to turn a dream into reality."
(Alain de Botton)

"We do not travel if you do not dream trip we do., I do not mean the dream asleep, but he wakes, sweating, throat, the hirsute, the crooked, the relatable not the beautiful people to stop aging. "
(Daniel Mermet)

"And there is nothing more beautiful than the moment before the trip, the moment when the horizon of the future comes to visit us and tell us his promises."
(Milan Kundera)

"It is not in some sort of retirement that we will discover: it's on the road, in the cities, in the middle of the crowd, a thing among things, a man among men."
(Jean-Paul Sartre)

"It looks like we made ​​trips to illustrate life itself and that can serve as symbols in existence. Were struggles, we toiled, we sweating blood, suicide is almost, we really sometimes even kills trying to accomplish something -. and fails to do so "
(Joseph Conrad)

"One of the things I enjoy the most when I travel abroad, is to think that I will return to France."
(P. Daninos)

"I sometimes feel like wandering around the world for the sole purpose of accumulating material for future nostalgia."
(Vikram Seth)

"Better to have memories than regrets, so pack!"

"Imagination is well worth the travel and it costs less."
(G. W. Curtis)

"The man did not need to travel to grow and it carries with it the vastness."

"We travel around the world in search of something and you return home to find it."
(G. Moore)

"The real journey is going. Once there, the trip is over. Nowadays people begin by the end."
(Hugo Verlomme)

"You must travel to rub and grind her brains against that of others."

"The journey is necessary only short imaginations."

"The trip is a kind of door through which one emerges from reality as to enter an unexplored reality that seems a dream."
(Guy de Maupassant)

"I, the only trip that interests me is death. Because we do not earn slides."

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."
(Marcel Proust)

"The important happens not at the end of the road, but much earlier, during the journey itself."
(Mr. Pavic)

"There are more comprehensive than that traveled a lot has changed twenty times the form of his thinking and his life rights."

"A journey proves less desire of the country where you are going that trouble the country as we leave."
(A. Karr)

"We do not travel for travel but for traveling."
(A. Karr)

"Most trips find their interest in the anticipation that makes the memory or that warning, the reality is most often limited to the loss of his luggage."
(R. Nadelson)

But the true voyagers are only those who leave.
To leave, hearts light as balloons,
Their fate they never deviate,
And without knowing why they always say: Come!

"When you travel without knowing English, it seems to be dumb and stupid to birth."
(Philippe Bouvard)

"The traveler is what matters most in the journey."
(Andre Suares)

"I usually say to those who ask me why I travel I know what I am, not what I want."

"It would be a beautiful thing to travel, if it had developed up so early."
(The Fountain)

"Nothing develops intelligence as travel."
(Emile Zola)

"To travel is to be unfaithful Be it without remorse. Forget your friends with strangers."
(Paul Morand)

"To travel is to ask for a blow to the distance that the time could only give us little by little."
(Paul Morand)

"The trip is a return to the basics."
(Tibetan proverb)

"The trip teaches tolerance."
(B. Disraeli)